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EPA in Iowa

Former SMV Industries Facility, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa - Fact Sheet, May 2020

Public Comment Period for Statement of Basis and Proposed Remedy


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 invites the public to comment on the Proposed Remedy (Proposed Corrective Measures) for the former SMV Industries facility, 1103 South 6th Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa.


EPA is proposing corrective measures to address contamination at the former SMV Industries facility. EPA’s Proposed Corrective Measures consist of institutional controls in the form of property activity and use limitations. Activity and use limitations are site restrictions that provide protection from contamination and also prescribe actions if contaminated media are encountered. These limitations include the following conditions:

  • No residential land use
  • No use of on-site groundwater as a potable water supply
  • No soil excavation or removal in the restricted area without regulatory agency notification and appropriate protective measures
  • The requirement for structures constructed on the property to be engineered to address vapor intrusion, unless sufficient testing is performed by the property owner prior to construction that demonstrates no vapor intrusion concern

EPA encourages the public to review this Proposed Final Remedy and the Administrative Record, which contains documents supporting the Proposed Final Remedy. The public comment period runs from May 27, 2020, through June 26, 2020.

Written comments on the Proposed Final Remedy should be mailed or emailed no later than June 26, 2020, and sent to:

Lisa Messinger
EPA Region 7 (LCRD/ROAG)
11201 Renner Boulevard
Lenexa, KS 66219

Guidelines for Commenting:
  • Explain your views.
  • Tell us if you support or disagree with the recommendation. Please be specific.
  • Can you provide alternatives?


The former facility manufactured and distributed a variety of metal products, such as posts for electric fences, slow-moving vehicles, and decorative windmills for lawns and gardens up until the mid-2000s. During a 1994 closure of a former hazardous waste storage unit on-site, an EPA inspector noted additional potential sources of contamination, including an area of oil staining reportedly associated with equipment oil changes, as well as a pallet of opened containers reportedly containing an unknown solvent.

The former site owners conducted clean closure of a former hazardous waste storage unit in 1994. The current property owner, PACE Harvesters, also conducted Phase 1 and Phase II Environmental Assessments in 2006-2007 as part of a Brownfields development project. These investigations discovered volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) above drinking water standards in groundwater at the site. However, it is likely that this contamination is due to an upgradient, off-site source.

Further soil and groundwater sampling conducted in June and October 2019, which targeted areas of concern noted in the sampling compliance evaluation inspection report developed during closure of the clean-closed unit, indicated elevated lead above industrial/commercial use scenarios in the upper 5 feet associated with localized buried debris. Groundwater sampling also indicated naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, cyclohexane, isopropylbenzene (Cumene), methylcyclohexane and xylene at concentrations above screening levels. Benzene and ethylbenzene were both detected at concentrations above the federal drinking water standard or Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs). No other VOCs or SVOCs were detected above applicable EPA screening levels or MCLs.

Constituents of concerns were not detected in either soil or groundwater within targeted potential source areas. Additionally, constituents were not detected in groundwater samples collected near the upgradient facility boundary. However, other VOCs and SVOCs, including phenol and toluene, were detected at low levels (below screening levels) in groundwater during this sampling event at upgradient sampling locations. Based on this information, it does not appear that detections of constituents in groundwater above the applicable screening levels are emanating from an on-site source area, but may be indicative of widespread groundwater contamination within an industrial setting or contamination emanating from other off-site sources.


Environmental investigations have identified lead in localized buried debris, and VOCs and SVOCs in groundwater. A large portion of the facility, and contaminated buried debris, is covered by a concrete parking lot, and use of the remaining portions of the property is expected to be in compliance with the proposed activity and use limitations.


A copy of the Statement of Basis and other information is available for public review during normal business hours at:

EPA Region 7 Records Center
11201 Renner Boulevard
Lenexa, KS 66219
Phone: 1-800-223-0425

This information is also available on EPA’s website, or it can be made available on a CD upon request by contacting the Community Involvement Coordinator listed below.

EPA has not scheduled a public hearing, but will schedule one if there is sufficient public interest. Written requests for a public hearing should be submitted no later than June 26, 2020, to the EPA contact listed above, and must state the nature of issues proposed to be raised at the hearing. EPA will evaluate any request and hold a formal hearing if it determines that a hearing will contribute to the decision-making process by clarifying significant issues affecting the remedy.

After consideration of all comments received, EPA will make a Final Remedy Decision. If the decision is made to select a Final Remedy that is substantially unchanged from the Proposed Final Remedy, EPA will notify all persons submitting comments or requesting a notice of the final decision. If the Proposed Final Remedy is substantially changed, EPA will issue another public notice indicating the changes.

If you have questions or want to receive further information, please contact:

Ben Washburn
Community Involvement Coordinator
EPA Region 7 (ORA/OPA)
11201 Renner Boulevard
Lenexa, KS 66219
Toll-free: 1-800-223-0425