Clean Air Act Section 112 Major and Area Source Standards
EPA's final delegation approval of Section 112 NESHAP standards for Illinois constitutes a program of straight delegation of all existing and future air toxic standards regardless of a source's Part 70 (Title V) applicability. Straight Delegation will operate as follows: upon promulgation of a Section 112 standard (includes major and area sources), the State of Illinois automatically receives the authority and assumes the responsibility for the timely implementation and enforcement required by the standard, as well as any further activities agreed to by IEPA and EPA.
- No comments received on the Direct Final FR Notice
- Proposed Rule: Approval of Section 112(l) Program of Delegation; Illinois (60 FR 57846) - Nov. 22, 1995
- Direct Final Rule: Approval of Section 112(l) Program of Delegation; Illinois (60 FR 57834) - Nov. 22, 1995
The Illinois Database will be made available as a spreadsheet.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Illinois EPA 112l delegation request (PDF)(2 pp, 1 MB, March 21, 1995)
- Illinois EPA 112l supplemental delegation request (PDF)(3 pp, 1 MB, Aug. 17, 1995)
- US. EPA completeness review of IEPA 112l delegation request (PDF)(2 pp, 580 K, Sept. 8, 1995)