Publications and Forms for Importing Vehicles and Engines
Procedures for Importing Vehicles and Engines into the United States (below) explains EPA regulations and requirements for importing the following:
- motor vehicles
- motor vehicle engines
- heavy-duty on-highway engines
- recreational vehicles (dirt bikes, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), offroad utility vehicles (ORUVs), and snowmobiles)
- nonroad engines (generators, watercraft, and lawn and garden equipment)
Procedures for Importing Vehicles and Engines into the United States
- Read the Overview of EPA Import Requirements for Vehicles and Engines (PDF)(22 pp, 1.04 MB, EPA-420-B-11-015, March 2011). This document provides a summary of EPA requirements for imported vehicles and engines.
- Read the detailed Procedures for Importing Vehicles and Engines into the United States (PDF)(68 pp, 3.23 MB, EPA-420-B-10-027, July 2010). This document provides comprehensive information on importing vehicles and engines.
- Read the Instructions for Requesting a Nonresident Exemption (PDF) (1 pg, 84 K, EPA-420-B-19-037, July 2019). This document provides information for requesting a nonresident exemption. As part of your request for this exemption, you will need to consent to EPA to collect and store your Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Please read the instruction document for more information.
- Read the Recommendations to Aid EPA Review of Your Clean Air Act National Security Exemption Request. This letter provides recommendations to aid EPA in reviewing of Your Clean Air Act National Security Exemption Requests.
EPA Import Declaration Forms (Note: These forms can be filled out electronically, using Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
For information on electronic filing of EPA Declarations Forms through CBP’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), please visit their website at
- Use EPA Standard Form 3520-1 to import passenger vehicles, highway motorcycles, and the corresponding engines into the United States.
- Use EPA Standard Form 3520-21 to import heavy-duty highway engines and nonroad engines (gas, diesel, marine, stationary) into the United States. This form also applies for engines already installed in vehicles or equipment.
- Summary of Industry and Imports Codes found on EPA Imports Declarations Forms 3520-1 and 3520-21 (PDF) (2 pp, 70 K, EPA-420-B-13-032, June 2013).
- Filing Vehicle and Engine Declarations by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) (PDF) (2 pp, 93 K, EPA-420-B-17-001, January 2017)
Mini-truck Imports Reference Materials
Mini-trucks are small trucks or vans with small spark-ignited (SI) engines with displacement below 1000 cubic centimeters and maximum engine power less than 30 kilowatts (kW) with a governed maximum speed of 25 miles per hour or less. These vehicles are subject to unique certification requirements prior to importation as described in the documents below.
- Mini-trucks: Importing Used Motor Vehicles as Nonroad Vehicles (PDF) (5 pp, 177 K, EPA-420-F-09-014, February 2009) explains EPA policy on importing mini-trucks.
- Mini-trucks: Questions and Answers for State Inspection and Maintenance Programs (PDF)(4 pp, 539 K, EPA-420-F-09-004, March 2009) addresses questions state inspection and maintenance (I/M) lane operators may have pertaining to imported mini-trucks.
- Instructions for Certifying Imported Mini-trucks (PDF) (16 pp, EPA-420-B-09-028, June 2009).
- Bond Requirements for Nonroad Spark-ignition Engines (PDF) (7 pp, 524K, EPA-420-F-10-034a, August 2010).
Related Information
- Independent Commercial Importers (ICIs) identifies businesses authorized by EPA to import, modify and test vehicles to demonstrate conformity with United States emission requirements. Certification Guidance for Importing Vehicles and Engines further explains the process for becoming an ICI.
- The Kit Car Policy explains EPA requirements for manufacturing and importing kit cars (replica vehicles).
- The Engine Switching Fact Sheetexplains EPA's policy on engine switching, which may affect a vehicle's eligibility for import. Also see Clean Air Act Mobile Source Policies and Guidance and Tampering Enforcement Policy Memorandum 1A.