An official website of the United States government.

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Importing Vehicles and Engines into the United States

Importing Vehicles and Engines into the United States

This site describes EPA emission regulations and requirements for importing into the United States:

  • motor vehicles
  • motor vehicle engines
  • heavy-duty on-highway engines
  • recreational vehicles (dirt bikes, all-terrain vehicles, offroad utility vehicles, and snowmobiles)
  • nonroad engines (generators, watercraft, and lawn and garden equipment)

The following links provide detailed information on EPA’s importation regulations and requirements:

Additional Information

In addition to EPA requirements, importers must also consider the requirements and regulations of these other agencies:

Short-term travelers to the U.S. from Canada or Mexico:

  • May operate their own personal vehicles in the U.S. during their visit.
  • Such vehicles are not subject to EPA emission standards and other requirements. Residents of Canada or Mexico or any other country who wish to bring their vehicles into the U.S. for extended periods of time should refer to Section 2.2.5 -- Temporary Vehicle Imports for Nonresidents found in Procedures for Importing Vehicles and Engines into the United States (EPA-420-B-10-027, July 2010, (68 pp, 32MB, About PDF)).