Indiana (Part 60) Emission Guidelines and (Part 62) State/Federal Plans (Section 111d/129) Delegations
Clean Air Act (CAA) section 111(d), originally enacted in 1970, was intended to cover pollutants that are not regulated under either the criteria pollutant/NAAQS provisions or section 112 of the CAA. It was designed to regulate pollutants from existing sources and new sources that fall in the gap not covered by the criteria pollutant provisions or the hazardous air pollutant provisions. In 1990, Congress added Section 129 to the CAA specifically to address emissions from solid waste combustion.
Sections 111 and 129 require EPA to establish new source performance standards (NSPS) for new units and require the Agency to establish Emission Guidelines for existing units. Both the NSPS and the Emission Guidelines under section 111(d)/129 use a Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) type approach as used under Section 112.
- New source performance standards (NSPS) are direct federal regulations that apply to new sources.
- Emission guidelines do not directly regulate solid waste combustion units; they establish requirements for state plans, which are the vehicle by which states implement the guidelines.
- Once approved, these state plans become federally enforceable.
- If a state does not seek approval of a state plan, the federal plan applies.
Large Municipal Waste Combustors (Large MWC)
- Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWC): New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emissions Guidelines (EG)
- Federal Plan: LMWC Federal Plan 40 CFR Part 62 Subpart FFF
State Plan Approved
- Indiana LMWC Revised State Plan (Revised Final Rule) (73 FR 56981) Oct. 1, 2008
- Indiana LMWC Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule (73 FR 49349) Aug. 21, 2008
- Indiana LMWC Revised State Plan (Final Rule) (73 FR 38925) July 8, 2008
- Indiana LMWC Revised State plan (Proposed Rule) (73 FR 38954) July 8, 2008
- Indiana LMWC State Plan (Final Rule) (64 FR 62978) Nov. 18, 1999
- Indiana LMWC State Plan (Proposed Rule) (64 FR 63002) Nov. 18, 1999
Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (HMIWI)
- Hospital, Medical and Infectious Waste Incinerators (HMIWI): New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG)
- Federal Plan: HMIWI Federal Plan 40 CFR Part 62 Subpart HHH
State Plan Approved
- Indiana HMIWI Revised State Plan (Final Rule) (79 FR 24405) April 24, 2012
- Indiana HMIWI Revised State Plan (Proposed Rule) (79 FR 24451) April 24, 2012
- Indiana HMIWI State Plan (Final Rule) (64 FR 70595) Dec. 17, 1999
- Indiana HMIWI STate Plan (Proposed Rule) (64 FR 70665) Dec. 17, 1999
Small Municipal Waste Combustors (Small MWC)
- Small Municipal Waste Combustors (SMWC): New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG)
- Federal Plan: SMWC Federal Plan 40 CFR Part 62 Subpart JJJ
Negative Declaration but Federal Plan would apply if a source is found.
- Indiana SMWC Negative Declaration (Final Rule) (67 FR 10620) March 8, 2002
- Indiana SMWC Negative Declaration (Proposed Rule) (67 FR 10656) March 8, 2002
Commercial, Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators (CISWI)
- Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units (CISWI): New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG)
- Federal Plan: CISWI Federal Plan 40 CFR Part 62 Subpart III
Negative Declaration but Federal Plan would apply if a source is found.
- Indiana CISWI and SSI Negative Declaration (Final Rule)(84 FR 3712) (3 pp, 266 K, About PDF) February 13, 2019
- Indiana CISWI and SSI Negative Declaration (Proposed Rule)(83 FR 49897) (3 pp, 225 K, About PDF) October 3, 2018
- Indiana CISWI State Plan (Final Rule) (68 FR 35181) June 12, 2003
- Indiana CISWI State Plan (Proposed Rule) (68 FR 35191) June 12, 2003
Other Solid Waste Incineration (OSWI)
State Plan Approved
- Indiana OSWI State Plan (Final Rule) (80 FR 10357) Feb. 26, 2015
- Indiana OSWI State Plan (Proposed Rule) (80 FR 10441) Feb. 26, 2015
Sewage Sludge Incinerators (SSI)
- Sewage Sludge Incineration Units (SSI): New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG)
- Federal Plan - SSI Federal Plan 40 CFR Part 62 Subpart LLL
Negative Declaration but Federal Plan would apply if a source is found.
- Indiana CISWI and SSI Negative Declaration (Final Rule)(84 FR 3712) (3 pp, 266 K, About PDF) February 13, 2019
- Indiana CISWI and SSI Negative Declaration (Proposed Rule)(83 FR 49897) (3 pp, 225 K, About PDF) October 3, 2018
- Indiana SSI State Plan (Final Rule) (78 FR 34918) June 11, 2013
- Indiana SSI State Plan (Proposed Rule) (78 FR 34973) June 11, 2013
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfills
- Municipal Solid Waste Landfills: New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG)
- Federal Plan – MSW Landfill Federal Plan 40 CFR Part 62 Subpart GGG
State Plan Approved
- Indiana MSW Landfill State Plan (Final Rule) (65 FR 16323) March 28, 2000
- Indiana MSW Landfill State Plan (Proposed Rule) (65 FR 16365) March 28, 2000
112 Major and Area Source Standards
EPA's final delegation approval of Section 112 NESHAP standards for Indiana constitutes a program of straight delegation of all existing and future air toxic standards regardless of a source's Part 70 (Title V) applicability, with the exception of Section 112(r). For future 112 NESHAP standards for which IDEM intends to accept delegation, EPA will automatically delegate the authority to implement a standard to the State by letter unless IDEM notifies EPA differently within 45 days of EPA final promulgation of the standard. Upon receipt of the EPA letter, IDEM will be responsible for the implementation of the standard. IDEM will then adopt the standard unchanged from the Federal standard into State regulations as expeditiously as practicable. IDEM will submit proof of rule adoption to EPA. EPA will respond with a letter delegating enforcement authority to the State. EPA will enforce the standard until such time the State has been delegated the enforcement authority.
IDEM has chosen not to take full or partial delegation of newly promulgated area source MACT standards.
- Approval of Section 112(l) Delegation of Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards; Indiana (71 FR 2225) - Jan. 13, 2006
- EPA Letter to IDEM in response to IDEM letters Feb. 14, 2005 and Sept. 19, 2005 - Nov. 30, 2005
- Approval of Section 112(l) Delegation of Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards; Indiana (69 FR 22508) - April 26, 2004
- EPA Letter to IDEM in response to June 30, 2003 letter - Dec. 29, 2003
- Approval of Section 112(l) Delegation of Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards; Indiana (65 FR 17264) - March 31, 2000
- EPA Letter to IDEM in response to Dec. 8, 1999 112(l) delegation request - Jan. 6, 2000
112(L) Delegations to Indiana through a state rule that adjusts the MACT standard
- Approval of Clean Air Act Section 112(l) Delegations for National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Subparts II, CCC, MMMM, PPPP, and DDDDD; Indiana (72 FR 36702) - July 5, 2007
- EPA Letter to IDEM in response to Feb. 8, 2007 letter - May 30, 2007
- Approval of the Clean Air Act Section 112(l) Delegation of National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Reinforced Plastic Composites Production; Indiana (71 FR 56973) - Sept. 28, 2006
- Approval of the Clean Air Act Section 112(l) Delegation of National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Boat Manufacturing; Indiana (71 FR 56971) - Sept. 28, 2006
- Approval of the Clean Air Act Section 112(l) Delegation of National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Secondary Lead Smelting; Indiana (71 FR 48923) - Aug. 22, 2006
Federal Register Documents for Approval of Section 112(l) Program of Delegation
- Final Rule: Approval of Section 112(l) Program of Delegation; Indiana (62 FR 36460) - July 8, 1997
- Proposed Rule: Approval of Section 112(l) Program of Delegation; Indiana (62 FR 15453) - April 1, 1997
- Direct Final Rule: Approval of Section 112(l) Program of Delegation; Indiana (62 FR 15404) - April 1, 1997