The Indoor airPLUS Verification Checklist and Construction Specifications have been designed so homes can be verified by a Home Energy Rater without additional training above what is required for the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Program. However, EPA encourages Raters to seek additional training in indoor air quality to strengthen and maintain professional competencies. EPA periodically hosts Indoor airPLUS webinar training and collaborates with key building science training organizations to incorporate Indoor airPLUS features and indoor air quality principles into training curricula.
A helpful resource for Raters is the guide called “How to Find Indoor airPLUS Compliant Low-emission Products”. This provides a tutorial on the third-party certifications and standards applicable to the low-emission materials section of the Construction Specifications. Use this guide both in design preparation with your builder and in final verification of the home. In addition, EPA has developed a set of training slides on the Indoor airPLUS Program that are available on request. Requests for the training slides and technical questions related to Indoor airPLUS can be submitted to the Indoor airPLUS Mailbox (