Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities
American Indian and Native Alaskan communities may be disproportionately affected by health problems associated with poor indoor air quality, such as lung cancer. However, many actions can be taken to improve IAQ in tribal communities to slowly begin to change those statistics.
This Website can help you improve IAQ in your tribal community. You can find information to educate your community about the simple actions they can take to improve their IAQ and protect their health, as well as examples of how other tribes have created sustainable community outreach and education programs.
EPA Resources
- The Tribal Air Website contains information about many tribal policies and initiatives on air quality.
- For environmental justice air quality case studies, grant availability, technical tools and notes from meetings or conferences, visit EPA's Environmental Justice Website.
Additional Resources
- Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) The following links exit the site Exit
- The National Native Commercial Tobacco Abuse Prevention Network Exit is committed to preserving the sacred status of traditional tobacco and its ceremonial / sacred uses. The national network is a diverse community of American Indian / Alaska Natives leading commercial tobacco abuse prevention efforts throughout Indian Country.
- Exit is a one-stop connection to resources to assist you develop commercial tobacco abuse prevention efforts.
Indian Health Service: Tobacco Control Task Force, “Tobacco Control Strategic Plan” Exit, highlights how community readiness can be fostered in a healthcare setting.