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Indoor airPLUS

How do I report Indoor airPLUS labeled homes to EPA?

There is no need to send the Verification Checklists to EPA. However Home Energy Raters should check to see if their HERS provider or green building program provider needs a copy. Raters coordinate with Providers to report Indoor airPLUS qualified homes for each builder at the same time as ENERGY STAR quarterly reports are submitted, or as the homes are completed. As of April 1, 2010, Indoor airPLUS has been integrated in the ENERGY STAR reporting process. During each reporting period (January, April, July, and October), Providers that are ENERGY STAR partners will report ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS homes to EPA on behalf of their builders and Raters through the ENERGY STAR Homes Online Submission Tool (HOST) available at Within the report, Providers will specify the number of homes that earned the Indoor airPLUS label in addition to ENERGY STAR.  Please note: As of April 2013, Providers can only submit reports for builders and Raters with an active ENERGY STAR partner agreement.

If you have questions about the reporting process, please contact us at