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Indoor airPLUS

Indoor airPLUS Partnership Terms and Commitments for Homebuilders

Updated: December 23, 2020

General Terms and Commitments for participation in the Indoor airPLUS Program and for the use of Indoor airPLUS Marks

Through this AGREEMENT, the registered organization (“Partner”) joins in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Partner recognizes that by accepting this AGREEMENT, it is expected to support EPA in its efforts to educate consumers on the benefits of improved indoor air quality through the Indoor airPLUS Program. 

This AGREEMENT is voluntary and can be cancelled by either party at any time and for any reason, with no penalty. Upon cancellation of this AGREEMENT, Partner will no longer have access to program benefits and must promptly cease its use of the Indoor airPLUS name and marks in all applications.

The EPA Indoor airPLUS Program is a voluntary partnership and labeling program that helps improve the quality of indoor air by requiring construction practices and product specifications that minimize exposure to airborne pollutants and contaminants. Indoor airPLUS offers partner organizations an avenue to participate in this mission and differentiate their business in the market. The EPA Indoor airPLUS Program Partnership makes it easy for consumers to identify organizations that build homes/apartments to earn the Indoor airPLUS label.

This partnership and the Indoor airPLUS label are to be used to promote indoor air quality as an easy and desirable option for new homebuyers, current homeowners, and renters to help protect their health and the environment.

This AGREEMENT contains the general terms applicable to partners' use of the Indoor airPLUS marks and describes the commitments made by the EPA and partners for the benefit of the Indoor airPLUS Program and its partners. EPA may periodically amend these Terms and Commitments and will provide notice to partners.

By affixing an electronic signature to the AGREEMENT, the signatory understands that he/she is committing their organization to a partnership with the Indoor airPLUS Program, acknowledges EPA's commitments to its partners, and agrees to comply with all Terms and Commitments of this AGREEMENT.

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EPA Commitments to Indoor airPLUS Partners

  1. EPA will work to increase public awareness of the Indoor airPLUS label, benefits of improved indoor air quality, and the best practices to achieve improved indoor air quality through the construction and verification of Indoor airPLUS homes/apartments.
  2. EPA will provide Partner with timely program updates, information, and resources via the Indoor airPLUS website, webinars, e-mail, and presentations.
  3. EPA will provide Partner with public recognition for their involvement in Indoor airPLUS and role in protecting human health and the environment through the online partner locator tool, the Indoor airPLUS web site, and potentially through special awards, and/or other media.
  4. EPA will respond to requests for information or clarification regarding Indoor airPLUS Program policies.
  5. EPA will maintain the integrity of the Indoor airPLUS marks and take all possible steps to deter their misuse.
  6. EPA will actively pursue resolution of noncompliance related to the use of the Indoor airPLUS marks.

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General Terms and Commitments for All Indoor airPLUS Partners

  1. Partner will use the Indoor airPLUS name and marks in accordance with the most current edition of the Indoor airPLUS Promotional Guidelines (i.e., Logo Use Guidelines) and ensure that its authorized representatives (including, but not limited to, advertising agencies, distributors, installers, subcontractors, sales agents, and retailers) also abide by these requirements. 
  2. Partner understands that EPA periodically updates the Indoor airPLUS program requirements and will provide notice to Partner before the effective date of the amendment. Partner is responsible for monitoring EPA’s communications about the program, as well as the ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS websites, and will incorporate any program changes into its activities.
  3. Partner will not construe, claim, or imply that its participation in the Indoor airPLUS Program constitutes federal government approval, acceptance, or endorsement of anything other than Partner’s commitment to Indoor airPLUS. Partnership does not constitute federal government endorsement of the Partner or its homes or services.
  4. Partner will not imply that homes/apartments built to Indoor airPLUS program requirements will necessarily improve the health of the occupants or that specific health outcomes will be guaranteed as a result of purchasing or renting an Indoor airPLUS labeled home/apartment. Additionally, Partner will not state or imply that the Indoor airPLUS label indicates that a home or building is structurally sound; constructed in accordance with applicable laws, regulations or codes; or free of mold, mildew, volatile organic compounds, allergens, or soil gases (including radon).
  5. Partner understands that the activities it undertakes in connection with Indoor airPLUS are voluntary and not intended to provide services to the federal government. As such, Partner will not submit a claim for compensation to any federal agency for its Indoor airPLUS activities.
  6. Partner understands that EPA does not provide warranties and is not liable for construction and/or product defects or deficiencies resulting from the proper or improper application of the Indoor airPLUS program requirements.
  7. Partner understands that failure to comply with any of the terms of this AGREEMENT can result in its termination and suspension of access to the benefits of Indoor airPLUS, including use of the marks.
  8. Partner and EPA will assume good faith as a general principle for resolving conflict and will seek to resolve all matters informally, so as to preserve maximum public confidence in Indoor airPLUS.

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Additional Terms and Commitments for Homebuilders participating in the Indoor airPLUS Program

  1. Partner understands that, in order to be certified as Indoor airPLUS, all homes and multifamily buildings must be independently inspected, tested, and verified by an eligible Indoor airPLUS Rating Company to meet all Indoor airPLUS program requirements.
  2. Partner will use the partnership and the Indoor airPLUS label to promote indoor air quality as an easy and desirable option for new homebuyers and renters to help protect their health and the environment.
  3. Partner must ensure that a completed Indoor airPLUS certification label is affixed to the circuit breaker box (or other suitable location) of all homes/apartments that are verified to meet the Indoor airPLUS Program requirements. For site-built single-family homes and multifamily apartments, Partner must also provide an Indoor airPLUS certificate. 
  4. Partner will maintain current ENERGY STAR Certified Homes partnership and complete required ENERGY STAR trainings.
  5. To maintain an active partnership, Partner must maintain at least one organizational contact that is receiving required programmatic communications from EPA, and have at least one Indoor airPLUS labeled home/apartment built and reported to EPA by an accredited Home Energy Rating Provider partner in the preceding 12-month period (or 24 months for multifamily builders/developers and single-family builders who construct five (5) homes or fewer annually).
    1. If this requirement is not fulfilled, Partner will be deemed ’inactive,’ will no longer have access to program benefits, and must promptly cease its use of the Indoor airPLUS name and Marks in all applications.
    2. To re-activate the partnership, an active contact from the organization must acknowledge their review of the most recent program requirements and Terms and Commitments of this AGREEMENT found at and have at least one Indoor airPLUS home/apartment certified by a Rating Company partner, or a home/apartment in the process of Indoor airPLUS certification.
  6. Partner must clearly inform homebuyers and renters when their new homes/apartments are certified for the Indoor airPLUS label and be able to describe the features and benefits of these Indoor airPLUS labeled homes/apartments. For each certified home/apartment, provide the homeowner or renter with an Indoor airPLUS label affixed to the circuit breaker box (or other suitable location) as well as an Indoor airPLUS certificate.
  7. Upon request, Partner must provide EPA with relevant documentation regarding any home/apartment that was certified as Indoor airPLUS (or potentially represented to homebuyers or renters as such), including, but not limited to, energy rating reports, ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS inspection checklists, and promotional materials.
    1. If EPA determines that a home/apartment has been improperly certified as Indoor airPLUS, Partner will take necessary actions to resolve the deficiencies documented by EPA in a timely manner.
    2. If Partner is unable to document that a home/apartment has been properly built and verified to meet program requirements, the Indoor airPLUS label must be removed, as well as any other promotional materials that imply that the home/apartment is certified.
  8. If Partner fails to comply with any of the Terms and Commitments of this AGREEMENT, uses the Indoor airPLUS marks improperly, or is found to have other documented infractions pertaining to the construction, marketing, and verification of homes/apartments, their partnership may be terminated, and access to the benefits of Indoor airPLUS, including use of the marks would be suspended.

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