Indoor airPLUS Web Linking Guidelines
As an Indoor airPLUS partner, your organization is listed on the EPA Indoor airPLUS Partner List, found on the ENERGY STAR Partner Locator. If you've made the Indoor airPLUS 100% Commitment, you will also be recognized with this designation on the Partner Locator. Your listing can also include a link to your organization's website when you meet the following requirements:
- Clearly display one of the approved Indoor airPLUS marks (see samples below) in accordance with the Indoor airPLUS Promotional Guidelines.
To request Indoor airPLUS logo files, please visit your My ENERGY STAR Account or email Indoor airPLUS (
Reference or provide a reciprocal link to the Indoor airPLUS home page (
- Include a brief description of your organization's participation in the Indoor airPLUS Program (see sample descriptions below) and be sure to use the correct program name, “Indoor airPLUS”.
Sample Description: [Copy and paste this text below onto your own website, inserting your company’s information where appropriate.]
Sample Description
[YOUR COMPANY NAME] is proud to be in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Indoor airPLUS Program. Through this partnership, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] has committed to offering ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS certified homes that provide homeowners with energy efficiency and improved indoor air quality.
To earn the ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS labels, a home must meet a set of strict guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for reducing poor indoor air quality. Homes with ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS certifications offer homebuyers all the features they want in a new home, plus moisture control, radon control, pest barriers, improved heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, combustion pollutant control, low emission materials and third party verification.
- Provide the Indoor airPLUS Program (via email to with the specific address for your website to be included on the Indoor airPLUS partner listing. Indoor airPLUS will link directly to the page on your site that contains the required elements.