School IPM Recognition
EPA is developing a program to provide recognition for school districts across the nation that are working towards or have achieved a level of success with their school integrated pest management (IPM) programs.
School IPM Awards Program Goal
The agency’s awards program is an incentive-based program that will recognize schools for implementing IPM programs. The program will take into account your challenges and systemically provide educational and recognition opportunities for your district. There will be five award categories that reflect your level of effort and the success that your district achieves.
EPA School IPM Award Levels
Great Start Award
The Great Start Award is available to school districts that are in the initial stages of implementing an effective IPM program. Qualifying schools are those that have selected an IPM coordinator and created a written IPM policy.
Leadership Award
The Leadership Award is available to schools and/or school districts with a senior-level commitment to establish and maintain a sustainable IPM program as well as to relate your IPM strategies to the framework for effective school IPM programs (i.e., Organize, Assess, Plan, Act, Evaluate, and Communicate).
Excellence Award
The Excellence Award is available to school districts demonstrating that their IPM program is comprehensive, effective and moving toward being institutionalized as part of a comprehensive environmental health program in the district. Specifically, EPA will look for evidence that:
- the critical components that lead to program effectiveness (i.e., six school IPM objectives (PDF) (15 pp, 400 K, About PDF) ) are embodied in the school environmental health management program;
- an established system exists to ensure consistent and sustained action to identify, address and prevent pest problems; and
- the program is achieving results.
Model of Sustained Excellence
The Model of Sustained Excellence Award is available to school districts demonstrating that their program is comprehensive, effective, and sustained and institutionalized as part of a comprehensive environmental health program. Specifically, evidence is required to document that the district:
- previously won the Excellence Award, which shows that they have already successfully implemented and are sustaining the actions associated with effective school IPM programs;
- established long-term school IPM goals;
- tracked the results of their program; and
- utilized district-wide communication and established school IPM policies.
Connector Award
The Connector Award is designed to give national recognition to individuals and organizations whose actions and initiatives support improved school environmental health in their community, region, state, or even nationally. There is a special focus on actions and initiatives that reflect the spirit of the school IPM Connector such as:
- Developing innovative initiatives, approaches, tools or resources that have contributed to improved school IPM and indoor environments;
- Bringing people or IPM programs together to provide mutual assistance and support in school IPM program implementation;
- Providing leadership/mentorship of school or school district IPM programs;
- Providing technical assistance in IPM program implementation;
- Increasing student involvement in IPM, such as involving science and environmental clubs; and
- Taking actions and initiative to foster interconnectedness and mutual support that provide demonstrable results.