The purpose of this policy is to establish a consistent framework across the Agency to ensure that EPA IT systems and applications are properly planned and managed, controllable, cost-effective and that they support the Agency’s mission and business goals.
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System Life Cycle Management (SLCM) Policy (PDF)(10 pp, 147 K,
December 2017)
This policy and its supporting documents provide EPA Offices with direction for tailoring and implementing SLCM requirements to develop and manage effective and efficient IT solutions.
System Life Cycle Management Procedure (PDF)(24 pp, 349 K,
December 2017)
This procedure details the necessary SLCM documents that manage and control EPA IT systems and applications based on size, scope and complexity of the system
System Life Cycle Management (SLCM) Requirements Guidance (PDF)(35 pp, 290 K,
December 2017)
This guidance will enable System Managers and Project Managers to use the most applicable documents for their system development and system operations efforts.