Environmental Information for Kentucky
- Real-time information about today's air quality forecast in Kentucky cities and counties on AirNow.gov
- MyAir. MyAir shows many different kinds of air data for Kentucky.
- MyClimate. MyClimate shows greenhouse gas emissions by sector, and other kinds of climate data, for Kentucky.
- Clean Air Act permitting in Kentucky
- Real-time radiation data from monitors located in Kentucky:
- State Implementation Plans (SIPs) for air quality approved by EPA for Kentucky
- Air compliance dashboard: see trends in environmental compliance and enforcement. The dashboard provides an easy-to-use summary of activities to answer questions like: which facilities are regulated, how many have been inspected or otherwise evaluated, and how many have alleged violations and have been subject to enforcement.
- MyWater. MyWater shows many different kinds of water data for Kentucky.
- Drinking water information
- Water pollution permits (NPDES permits)
- Water quality standards
- Region 4 actions to address climate change impacts on water
- Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia
- Underground injection control program in Region 4
- Compliance dashboards: see trends in environmental compliance and enforcement. The dashboards provide an easy-to-use summary of activities to answer questions like: which facilities are regulated, how many have been inspected or otherwise evaluated, and how many have alleged violations and have been subject to enforcement.
Land and Waste Cleanups
- List of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites
- Brownfields and land revitalization in Region 4
- Hazardous waste compliance dashboard: see trends in environmental compliance and enforcement. The dashboard provides an easy-to-use summary of activities to answer questions like: which facilities are regulated, how many have been inspected or otherwise evaluated, and how many have alleged violations and have been subject to enforcement.
Pesticides and Other Toxic Chemicals
- Agency in Kentucky that regulates pesticides Exit
- Most recent fact sheet on the management of certain toxic chemicals in Kentucky from EPA's Toxic Release Inventory
- Pesticides compliance dashboard: see trends in environmental compliance and enforcement. The dashboard provides an easy-to-use summary of activities to answer questions like: which facilities are regulated, how many have been inspected or otherwise evaluated, and how many have alleged violations and have been subject to enforcement.