The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in cooperation with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) and the Louisiana Military Department (LMD), will be holding an environmental workshop. This workshop will be educational in nature.
In the workshop, you will learn about future site activities such as the contractor’s Workplan and Sampling Plan that will be used for collecting baseline data (i.e. surface water, sediment, etc.). LMD and their contractor will discuss upcoming activities for the destruction of the M6 and CBI. They will detail the timeline of activities from site preparation, through construction, and to final restoration.
Representatives from the EPA, LDEQ, and LMD will be available to discuss and answer your general monitoring and sampling questions. This is not a formal meeting. You will have the opportunity to learn from and talk directly with agency representatives in an informal setting. We welcome your participation. This meeting is being held in a fully accessible facility. Should you have any specific needs or questions please contact Jason T. McKinney, U.S. EPA Community Involvement Coordinator, at 1-800-533-3508 (Toll-Free) or 214-665-8132 (direct line).
The Workshop will be held:
Thursday, August 13, 2015
6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m.
9649 HWY 80
Building A120
Camp Minden Military Base, Louisiana 71055