Federal Facilities/Base Closure in Louisiana
There is 1 federal facilities/base closure in Louisiana. To learn more about this location, click on the headings below:
- England Air Force Base, Alexandria, LA
England Air Force Base, Alexandria, Louisiana, was closed in 1992. It is now home to Alexandria International Airport, England Industrial Airpark & Community, the Louisiana State University Medical Center at Alexandria, housing units, restaurants, a golf course, and many other light industrial and commercial businesses. The property has been transferred to the England Economic & Industrial Development District. The U.S. Air Force Real Property Agency, in cooperation with EPA and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ), has conducted environmental restoration activities at many sites across the former base, including the former landfill areas, assorted spill sites, water towers, oil & water separators, underground storage tanks, fire training areas, and fuel pipelines. Long-term remediation of ground water contamination by chlorinated solvents is underway, and is being addressed under a permit from LDEQ.
EPA Contact
Noel Bennett (6PD-F)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200
Mail Code 6PD-F
Dallas , Texas 75202-2733
(214) 665-8514 FAX (214) 665-7263
E-MAIL Address: bennett.noel@epa.govState Contact
Mike Miller (BCT member)
Remediation Division
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ)
P.O. 4314
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4314
FAX (225)219-3239
E-MAIL Address: michael.miller@la.govFacility contact
Catherine Jerrard
BRAC Environmental Coordinator
428 Phoenix Drive
Rome, NY 13441
(315) 356-8010, ext. 204
FAX (315) 356-0816
E-MAIL Address: catherine.jerrard@us.af.mil