Land Research Recent Publications
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Contaminated Sites Cleanup and Rehabilitation (including groundwater and vapor intrusion studies); Sustainable Materials Management
Peer Reviewed Scientific Journals
A Decision Analysis Approach to Electronics Standard Development Informed by Life Cycle Assessment and Influence Diagrams. T. Garvey, D. Meyer, M. Gonzalez, B. Dyson and J. Carriger. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, KS, USA.
A Rapid-Test for Screening Biochar Effects on Seed Germination. D.M. Olszyk, T. Shiroyama, J.M. Novak and M.G. Johnson. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK.
A Solution for LCI Datasets Independent of Background Databases. W. Ingwersen, Bridge Processes: International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.
A sustainable approach to empower the bio-based future: upgrading of biomass via process intensification. R. Varma, M. Gonzalez, S. Verma and K. Tadele. Green Chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 19(7): 1624-1627, (2017).
Analytical solutions for a soil vapor extraction model that incorporates gas phase dispersion and molecular diffusion. J. Huang and M.N. Goltz. Journal of Hydrology. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA.
An overview of geophysical technologies appropriate for characterization and monitoring at fractured-rock sites. F. Day-Lewis, L. Slater, J. Robinson, C. Johnson, N. Terry and D. Werkema. Journal of Environmental Management. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 204(2): 709-720.
Cross Validation of Two Partitioning-Based Sampling Approaches in Mesocosms Containing PCB Contaminated Field Sediment, Biota, and Activated Carbon Amendment. S.N. Schmidt, A.P. Wang, P.T. Gidley, A.H. Wooley, G. Lotufo, R. Burgess, U. Ghosh, L. Fernandez and P. Mayer. Environmental Science & Technology. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 51(17): 9996-10004, (2017).
Determination of Cr(III) solids formed by reduction of Cr(VI) in a contaminated fractured bedrock aquifer: evidence for natural attenuation of Cr(VI). J. Zhao, T. Al, S. Chapman, B. Parker, K. Mishkin, D. Cutt and R. Wilkin. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 474: 1-8, (2017).
Ecosystem quality in LCIA: status quo, harmonization and suggestions for the way forward. J. Woods, M. Damiani, P. Fantke, A. Henderson, J. Johnston, J. Bare, S. Sala, D.M. de Souza, S. Pfister, L. Posthuma, R. Rosenbaum and F. Verones. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft AG, Landsberg, Germany.
Evidence of a sewer vapor transport pathway at the USEPA vapor intrusion research duplex. T. McHugh, L. Beckley, T. Sullivan, C. Lutes, R. Truesdale, R. Uppencamp, B. Cosky, J. Zimmerman and B. Schumacher. Science of the Total Environment. Elsevier 598: 772-779, (2017).
Examining the impacts of increased corn production on groundwater quality using a coupled modeling system. V. Garcia, E. Cooter, J. Crooks, B. Hinckley, M. Murphy and X. Xing. Science of total Environment. Elsevier BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 586: 16-24, (2017).
Enhanced Adsorption of Arsenic Through the Oxidative Treatment of Reduced Aquifer Solids. J.R. Huling, S. Huling and R. Ludwig. Water Resource. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA.
Estimating base cation weathering rates in the United States: challenges of uncertain soil mineralogy and specific surface area with applications of the PROFILE model. C. Whitfield, C. Clark, J. Phelan, J. Buckley, S. Guthrie and J. Lynch. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, USA.
Exploring the relevance of spatial scale to life cycle inventory results using environmentally-extended input-output models of the United States. Y. Yang, W. Ingwersen and D. Meyer. Environmental Modelling & SOFTWARE. Elsevier Science, New York, NY, 99: 52-57, (2018).
Extraction of Uranium from Seawater Simulant by Functionalized Magnetic Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles: Capacity and Molecular Mechanisms. D. Li, S. Egodawatte, D. Kaplan, S. Larsen, S. Serkiz, J. Seaman, K. Scheckel, J. Lin and Y. Pan. Environmental Science & Technology. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA.
Fixation of carbon dioxide into dimethyl carbonate over titanium-based zeolitic thiophene-benzimidazolate framework. R. Varma, M. Nadagouda, S. Verma and R.B.N. Baig. Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group, London, UK, issue}: 655, (2017).
Gas Quantity and Composition from the Hydrolysis of Salt Cake from Secondary Aluminum Processing. X. Huang and T. Tolaymat. Journal of Hazardous Materials. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA.
Greener assembly of nanoparticles and nanofibres via bio-templating by tree gums: environmental and biomedical applications. R. Varma, V. Padil, M. Cernik and S. Wacawek. Journal article. Green Chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.
Groundwater Co-Contaminant Behavior of Arsenic and Selenium at a Lead and Zinc Smelting Facility. R.T. Wilkin, T. Lee, D. Beak, R. Anderson and B. Burns. Applied Geochemistry. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA.
Heat as a Hydrologic Tracer in Shallow and Deep Heterogeneous Media: Analytical Solution, Spreadsheet Tool, and Field Applications. B. Kuryluk, D. Irvine, S. Cary, M. Briggs, D. Werkema and M. Bonham. Water Resources Research. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA, 31(14): 2648-2661, (2017).
Hydroxylation of Benzene via C-H Activation Using Bimetallic CuAg@g-C3N4. S. Verma, R.B.N. Baig, M. Nadagouda and R. Varma. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 5(5): 3637-3640, (2017).
Influences of Coal Ash Leachates and Emergent Macrophytes on Water Quality in Wetland Microcosms. L. Olson, J. Misenheimer, C. Nelson, K. Bradham and C. Richardson. Water.
Lignin valorization: the sources of lignin and its applications. T. Li and S. Takkellapati. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Society of Chemical Industry, London, UK.
Microbial degradation of Cold Lake Blend and Western Canadian Select Dilbits in Freshwater. R. Deshpande, D. Sundaravadivelu, P. Campo, S. Techmann and R. Conmy. Journal of Hazardous Materials. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA.
Miscanthus biochar has a limited ability to mitigate an acid mine spoil without co-lime addition. J.M. Novak, J.A. Ippolito, T.F. Ducey, D.W. Watts, K.A. Spokas, K.M. Trippe, G.C. Sigua and M.G. Johnson. Chemosphere. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA.
Modeling Analytical Chemistry Services for Inclusion in Life Cycle Assessment. Trisurat, Yongyut; Aekakkararungroj, Aekkapol; Ma, Hwan-ok; Johnston, John M. Unger, S., M. Gonzalez, and D. Meyer. International Journal of Environmental Pollution. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Modification of an Existing in vitro Method to Predict Relative Bioavailable Arsenic in Soils. S. Whitacre, N. Basta, B. Stevens, V. Hanley, R. Anderson , K. Scheckel, Jacob de Boer and Shane Snyder. Chemosphere. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 180: 545-552, (2017).
MoisturEC: a New R Program for Moisture Content Estimation from Electrical Conductivity Data. N. Terry, F. Day-Lewis, D. Werkema and J. Lane. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation. National Ground Water Association, Westerville, OH, USA.
Oil Spill Research in the Bulletin. M. Barron. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Springer, New York, NY, USA.
People, Planet and Profit: Unintended Consequences of Legacy Building Materials. A. Zimmer, H. Ha, R. Dewil, J.M. Evans and B. Tansel. Journal of Environmental Environmental Management. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 204(1): 472-485, (2017).
Porous nitrogen-enriched carbonaceous material from marine waste: chitosan-derived layered CNX catalyst for aerial oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid. R. Varma, R., M. Nadagouda and S. Verma. Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group, London, UK, 7(13596): 1-6, (2017).
Protuberant lychee goethite: An unprecedented nano-surface in oxidative C-H activation. R. Varma, M. Nadagouda, S. Verma and R.B.N. Baig. Nature Communications. Nature Publishing Group, London, UK.
Relative Sensitivity of Arctic Species to Physically and Chemically Dispersed Oil Determined from Three Hydrocarbon Measures of Aquatic Toxicity. A. Bejarano, W. Gardiner, M. Barron, and J. Word. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA.
Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity Survey Pre-modeling Tool. N. Terry, F. Day-Lewis, J. Robinson, L. Slater, K. Halford, A. Binley, J. Lane Jr. and D. Werkema. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Hoboken, NJ, USA, 55(6): 885-890, (2017).
Semianalytical solutions for soil vapor extraction coupled with the mass flux from the saturated zone. J. Huang and M. Brooks. Advances in Water Resources. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA.
Specific Polarizability of Sand-Clay Mixtures with Varying Ethanol Concentration. L. Slater, D. Ntarlagiannis, D. Werkema and Z. Szabo. Journal of Applied Geophysics. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA.
Temporary vs. Permanent Sub-slab Ports: A Comparative Performance Study. J. Zimmerman, C. Lutes, B. Cosky, B. Schumacher, D. Salkie and R. Truesdale. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 26(3): 294-307, (2017).
The Challenges of PFAS Remediation. R. Darlington, E. Barth and J. McKernan. The Military Engineer. Society of American Military Engineers, Alexandria, VA, USA.
Toxicity of Cold Lake Blend and Western Canadian Select dilbits to standard aquatic test species. M. Barron, R. Conmy, E. Holder, P. Meyer, G. Wilson, V. Principe and M. Willming. Chemosphere. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 191: 106, (2018).
Uptake of Nickel by Synthetic Mackinawite. R. Wilkin and D. Beak. Chemical Geology. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 462: 15-29, (2017).
USEEIO: A new and transparent United States environmentally extended input-output model. Y. Yang, W. Ingwersen, T. Hawkins and D. Meyer. Journal of Cleaner Production. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 158: 308-318, (2017).
EPA Reports
Adsorption-based Treatment Systems for Removing Chemical Vapors from Indoor Air. B. Schumacher, J. Zimmerman, R. Truesdale, K. Owen, C. Lutes, M. Novak and K. Hallberg. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/R-17/276, 2017.
Analysis of Soil and Sediment in the Big River Watershed Utilizing Pb Isotopes for Source Attribution, Synchrotron Speciation for Phase Identification, and In-Vitro Bioaccessibility for Risk Assessment. K. Scheckel and M. Noerpel. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. 2017.
Analysis of Temperature, Gas Quality, and Settlement Trends at the Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill in 2015. J. Powell, J. McKernan, P. Jain, and C. Northeim. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. 2017.
Best Practices for Environmental Site Management: A Practical Guide for Applying Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy to Improve Conceptual Site Models. M.R. Shultz, R.S. Cramer, C. Plank, H. Levine and K.D. Ehman. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. 2017.
Characterization and Behavior of Cold Lake Blend and Western Canadian Select Diluted Bitumen Products (PDF)(59 pp, 1.62 MB, About PDF). R. Conmy, M. Barron, J. Santodomingo and R. Deshpande. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/R-17/273, 2017.
Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Project 15 Georgina Island Report. R. Hall, R., K. Charles, D. Heggem, B. Schumacher and J. Lin. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/X-17/105, 2017.
Engineering Technical Support Center Annual Report Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF)(32 pp, 1.77 MB, About PDF).
Feasibility Study of Food Waste Co-Digestion at U.S. Army Installations. S. Cosper, D. Gilbert, I. MacAllister, M.Z. Rahman, A. Urban, G. Rodriguez, J. Ricketts, S. Rock and A. Lan. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston, TX, USA, 2017.
Investigating the Geomorphic Stability of Pond and Plug Projects in the Sierra Nevada. K. Wagner, S. Swanson, J. Lin, R. Hall, D. Heggem and R. Gibson. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/X-17/248, 2017.
Land Application of Biosolids: Field Test 2. C. Acheson, C. and R. Herrmann. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/X-17/289, 2017.
Organic Waste Diversion in Columbia, South Carolina, Feasibility Study (PDF)(52 pp, 1.79 MB, About PDF).
Pilot-Scale Demonstration of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation Involving Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds - Design and Deployment Guidelines - Parris Island, SC - Marine Corps Recruit Depot Site 45 Pilot Study (PDF)(176 pp, 6.87 MB, About PDF).
Pre-Dredge Sediment Characterization of the Ottawa River, in S. Stout and Z. Wang (Eds.), Oil Spill Environmental Forensics Case Studies, 1st Edition.Mills, M.A., R. Brenner, E. Foote, H. Thurston, S. Pala, K. Fritz, J. Lazorchak, J. Schubauer-Berigan and J. Meier. Butterworth Heinemann-Elsevier. Cambridge, MA.
Proximity of Private Domestic Wells to Underground Storage Tanks in Oklahoma. J.W. Weaver, A.R. Murray and F. Kremer. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA.
Relationships between Private Domestic Wells and Underground Storage Tanks: Evaluation of Mapping and Plume Transport Tool Implementations. J.W. Weaver, A.R. Murray, A. Khanal and F. Kremer. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. 2017.
Site Characterization and Monitoring Technical Support Center FY16 Report. F. Barnett, C. Sibert and J. Szaro. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/R-17/409, 2017.
State of the Practice of Construction and Demolition Material Recovery (PDF)(125 pp, 2.50 MB About PDF).
St. Louis River Area of Concern fish tumors and other deformities beneficial use impairment study summary report. V. Blazer, P. Mazik and J. Hoffman. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/R-17/402, 2017.
Technical revision of the USEPA methods for measuring the toxicity and bioaccumulation of sediment-associated contaminants with freshwater invertebrates. D. Mount. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. 2017.
The Current Status of Platform Chemicals that Can Be Derived from Using Biorefinery Methodology. S. Takkellapati and T. Li. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. 2017.
Integrated Solutions for Sustainable Communities (including Decision Support)
Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals
Adding to the Toolbox for Tidal-Inundation Mapping in Estuarine Areas. R. Flitcroft, P. Clinton and K. Christiansen. Estuaries and Coasts. Estuarine Research Federation, Port Republic, MD, USA.
A keyword approach to finding common ground in community-based definitions of human well-being. R. Fulford, I. Krauss, S. Yee and M. Russell. Human Ecology. Springer, New York, NY, USA, 45(6): 809-821, (2017).
A modified eco-efficiency framework and methodology for advancing the state of practice of sustainability analysis as applied to green infrastructure. S. Ghimire and J. Johnston. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, KS, USA, 13(5): 821-831, (2017).
An examination of the biophysical basis for the generation of real wealth in the post WW II United States, based on relationships of energy use, system empower, and economic growth (GDP). H. Walker and D. Campbell. Frontiers in Energy Research. Frontiers
A web-based screening tool for near-port air quality assessments. V. Isakov, T. Barzyk, B. Smith, S. Arunachalam , B. Naess and A. Venkatram. Environmental Modelling & Software. Elsevier Science, New York, NY, 98: 21-34, (2017).
City Water Balance for R: an open, reproducible process for modeling urban water systems, with application to Chicago (6/14/2017 submitted). L. Erban, S. Balogh, D. Campbell and H. Walker. Environmental Modeling and Software. Elsevier Science, New York, NY.
Energy accounting and energy finance: Two wings to the future. D. Campbell, H. Walker and A. Ndiour. Frontiers in Energy Research. Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Exploring synergies between transit investment and dense redevelopment: A scenario analysis in a rapidly urbanizing landscape. L. Cox, A. Bassi, J. Kolling, A. Procter, N. Flanders, N. Tanners and R. Araujo. Landscaping and Urban Planning. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 167: 429-440, (2017).
Fine-Tuning ADAS Algorithm Parameters for Optimizing Traffic Safety and Mobility in Connected Vehicle Environment. H. Liu, H. Wei, T. Zuo, Z. Li and J. Yang. Transportation Research. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 76: 132-149, (2017).
Fostering adaptive capacity for the Anthropocene. A. Garmestani, B. Chaffin, D. Angeler, C. Folke, L. Gunderson, D. Twidwell and C. Allen. Science. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington, DC, USA.
Holistic impact assessment and cost savings of rainwater harvesting at the watershed scale. S. Ghimire and J. Johnston. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. University of California Press (UC Press), Oakland, CA, USA, 5(9): 1-17, (2017).
Spatial Patterns of NLCD Land Cover Change Thematic Accuracy (2001 - 2011). J. Wickham, S.V. Stehman and C.G. Homer. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Taylor & Francis, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, USA
The effectiveness of Light Rail transit in achieving regional CO2 emissions targets is linked to building energy use: insights from system dynamics modeling. A. Procter, A. Bassi, J. Kolling, L. Cox, N. Flanders, N. Tanners and R. Araujo. Clean Technologies Environmental Policy. Springer, New York, NY, USA, 19(5): 1459-1474, (2017).
EPA Reports
Community-Focused Exposure and Risk Screening Tool (C-FERST): Introduction and Demonstration. C. Berg, L. Riddick, S. Griffin and J. Quackenboss. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA.
Community-Scale HWBI Tool User's Guide. Report. L. Harwell. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/R-17/298, 2017.
Development of a Climate Resilience Screening Index (CRSI): An Assessment of Resilience to Acute Meteorological Events and Selected Natural Hazards (PDF)(317 pp, 13 MB, About PDF). K. Summers, L. Harwell, K. Buck, L. Smith, J. Harvey, D. Vivian, J. Bousquin, M. McLaughlin and S. Hafner. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/R-17/238, 2017.
Ensuring the sustainability of small American communities: helping smaller American communities have vibrant economies and healthy societies while enhancing environmental quality (clean air, clean water, clean land). D. Olszyk, V. Salazar and P. Morris. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA, 2017.
Modified HWBI Model(s) Linking Service Flows to Well-Being Endpoints: Accounting for Environmental Quality (PDF)(61pp, 2.66 MB, About PDF).
Peer Review of the RIMM Tool System and Response to Peer Review Comments: RIMM Tool System Version 1.0. J. Babendreier. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/X-17/093, 2017.
PFC to Tribal-FERST: An Integrated, Watershed-based Risk Assessment Process. R. Hall, R. Schafer, D. Heggem, J. Lin, S. Terry, H. French and D. Mosely. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/X-17/259, 2017.
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Community Engagement in Sustainability at National and Regional Scales. K. Mulvaney, A. Hall, M. Nye, G. Homsy, B. Dyson and J. Johnston. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. 2017.
Response to External Peer Review comments regarding the C-PORT. V. Isakov. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. EPA/600/R-17/210, 2017.
SHC 2.64 Indicators, Indices and the Report on the Environment FY17 Output: SHC 2.64.2 Provide Indicator Information Necessary for the Incorporation of Environmental Indicators into SHC Decision Support Tools. L. Smith, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. 2017.
Sustainability Tools Inventory - Initial Gaps Analysis. A. Brookes, D. Eskew, L. Wainger, D. Catanzaro, A. Britt, M. Westin, S. Whayland, S. Bartell and K. Weitz. . U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA.
Technical Guidance for Constructing a Human Well-Being Index (HWBI): A Puerto Rico Example (PDF)(154 pp, 3.52 MB, About PDF).
Urban Sustainability Assessment and Management Workshop. H. Cabezas, T. Gleason, M. Goss, C. Foley and B. Michaud. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA, 2016.
User's Manual: Co-Digestion Economic Analysis Tool. S. Rock and J. Ricketts. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA, 2017.