The Community Reuse Property Prioritization Tool was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Land Revitalization Team. The Tool is designed to help communities prioritize properties based on a specific reuse plan. Additionally, the Tool supports communities in developing a low-level inventory that can be used to prioritize brownfields for future assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment by capturing information that will help estimate the complexity of such activities.
The Tool includes a Handbook and an Excel Workbook that has three worksheets to capture data on the current use, historical use, and future use of a brownfield. The Tool can capture information for up to 10 brownfields and up to three parcels per brownfield. The Tool helps a community better understand property characteristics, ownership, environmental conditions, cleanup requirements, and reuse planning to make more informed decisions. It should be noted that, while helpful in making general site prioritization decisions, the outputs of the Community Reuse Prioritization Tool should not be used independently or as the primary reuse decision-making tool at any site.
Community Reuse Property Prioritization Tool (XLSX)(3 pp, 30 K)
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