Disaster Debris Recovery Tool
EPA has developed this interactive mapping tool of 12 types of recyclers and landfills that manage disaster debris. This tool provides information and locations of over 20,000 facilities capable of managing different materials which may be found in disaster debris. The tool was created in EPA Region 5 in 2010 and has expanded to include data for all 50 states, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.
The tool can be used by disaster response, recovery and planning experts to advance the safe recovery, recycling, and disposal of disaster debris. It is expanding coverage of states and territories to support sustainable disaster debris management. The national dataset and tool were developed in collaboration with staff from all 10 EPA regions and headquarters to support sustainable materials management for disaster planning and emergency response.
Disaster Debris Recovery Tool
Coming soon…
- Download entire dataset
Examples of state plans and guidance
The following Region 5 states have established debris management plans or guidance, many of which focus on flood-related disasters:The following links exit the site Exit
- Illinois Disaster Recovery Plan (PDF) (4 pp, 13 K, About PDF) September 2011
- Indiana Disaster Recovery Resources
- Michigan Disaster Debris Management Plan (PDF)(209 pp, 3.4 MB, About PDF) April 2008
- Michigan Local Disaster Debris Management Planning Handbook (PDF) (248pp, 2.9MB, About PDF) April 2008
- Ohio Debris Management
- Wisconsin - Coping with Cleanup
Minnesota Toolbox for local units of government recovering from a natural disaster
Basic Information
According to the “Planning for Natural Disaster Debris” guidance document, communities are challenged with large amounts of debris generated by natural disasters every year. Proper planning for disaster debris provides benefits such as the protection of human health, compliance with regulations, reduction of injuries, and minimization or prevention of environmental impacts. A key part of the guidance document recommends identifying strategies to maximize the recycling and recovery of materials to prevent the generation of additional waste and lessen the burden on disposal facilities. Planning for each potential waste stream and pre-negotiating contracts will help ensure the proper and safe recycling and recovery of disaster debris.
Links for planners and incident responders
- California Integrated Waste Management Disaster Plan
- Florida Hurricane Debris Cleanup Information
- Louisiana Disaster Debris Management
Federal Agency Resources
The following federal agencies have developed guidance, training, manuals or programs:
- EPA Guidance about Planning for Natural Disaster Debris (150 pp, 6 MB, April 2019 EPA-F-19-003)
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - Resources for Debris Removal and Demolition Operations (PDF) (260 pp, 15.2 MB K, About PDF) July 2007
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency - Disaster Assistance Programs
Tools & References
- EPA: Incident Waste Decision Support Tool (I-WASTE DST)
- Dealing with Debris and Damaged Buildings
- FEMA - HAZUS damage & loss estimation tool
Training Resources
There are numerous training courses focused on debris management sponsored by FEMA and offered locally through state emergency management offices:
- FEMA Emergency Management Institute
- IS-632 - Intro to Debris Operations in FEMA's Public Assistance Program 40
Resources for safety considerations during initial assessment, sampling, removal, staging, transportation, and recovery/disposal operations: