Examples of State and Local Demolition Programs
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Cincinnati, Ohio Lick Run Greenway Project Demolition and Deconstruction
The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati has incorporated deconstruction into their large scale demolition of 91 homes as part of Lick Run Greenway Project. This website describes MSD's current demolition/deconstruction plan and their partnership with local business Building Value, which will be overseeing the deconstruction and resale of salvaged material.
Cook County, Illinois Demolition Debris Diversion (3D) Ordinance (PDF) (18 pp, 7.2 MB, About PDF)
Cook County's 3D Ordinance requires that demolition debris from commercial and residential structures (garages and sheds are exempt from this requirement) must be recycled, with 5% of the residential structures being reused, during the demolition process. The ordinance has resulted in more than 500,000 tons of building material being recycled since its passage in 2012. County Efforts on Recycling of Building Materials Surpass Half-Million Ton Mark
Fitchburg, Wisconsin, Construction Demolition Reuse/Recycling Plan
The city of Fitchburg requires the reuse and or/ recycling of materials from certain construction, roofing, remodeling, and demolition projects. Most new construction and demolition projects require that projects reuse and/or recycle 70% of the construction and demolition debris produced onsite. This site links to the program and describes in more depth the projects subject to these requirements.
San Francisco, California, Construction and Demolition Ordinance
All material removed from construction and demolition projects in San Francisco must be recycled or reused. No C&D debris can be taken to landfill or put in the garbage. This site links to a brief discussion of the ordinance and to the ordinance itself.
Ramsey County, Minnesota Pre-Demolition Inspection Program
Explains what documents are required from the demolition contractor, property owner or their designee to meet the county's pre-demolition inspection program.
Michigan Blight Elimination Program Michigan State Land Bank Authority
Michigan Department of Human Services and other agencies are working to eliminate blight near schools in the city of Detroit. Part of that plan involves demolition of dangerous structures, to make a safer route to and from school for children, and for overall neighborhood stabilization. The program includes funding for blight elimination in other Michigan areas.
HUD Demolition Toolkit RESOURCE
The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Neighborhood Stabilization Program has guidance and procedures for grantees and their partners using NSP funds to demolish blighted properties
- Sample RFP for Demolition Contractors
- Example of Survey Form for Pre-Demolition Site Inspection
- Site-Specific Project Checklist for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance Review
CMRA Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Master Specifications RESOURCE
A generic solid waste management and recycling specification for demolition that can be modified to meet the needs of a specific project from the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery.
Permits and Notifications Required before Demolition
- Fairfax County, VA: Demolition Permits
- Grand Rapids, MI: Demolition Information Packet (PDF) (11 pp, 452 K About PDF) March 2015
- Madison, WI: Demolition: Land Development
- San Antonio, TX: Information Bulletin 106: Demolition Process, Checklist and Permit Application (PDF) (11 pp, 495 K, About PDF) updated June 2020
- Santa Monica, CA: Demolition Permit Information