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On the Road to Reuse: Residential Demolition Bid Specification Development Tool Report & Factsheet - September 2013

(EPA Report 560K13002) EPA Region 5 report and bid specification development tools for use by cities, counties or land banks undertaking large-scale residential demolitions. Anticipate the environmental issues and concerns so you can factor them into the planning and procurement process. Develop contract language for a bid package that instructs contractors on specific technical requirements to achieve improved environmental results in a demolition project.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Environmental Concerns about Common Demolition Practices
  3. Highlighted Demolition Modifications to Improve Environmental Results
  4. Earthwork Field Trial with Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corporation
  5. Overview of Bid Specification Development Tool Use
cover of the EPA report "On the road to reuse"
  • General Requirements
    • Pre-Demolition Survey
    • Waste Management Plan
  • Waste Disposal
    • Salvage and Recycling
    • Waste Handling and Disposal
    • Deconstruction
  • Hazardous Materials Handling
    • Asbestos Compliance
    • Managing Fugitive Dust
  • Earthwork
    • Impervious Surface Removal
    • Soils for Earthwork
    • Placement of Fill
    • Grading
    • Soil Preparation and Seeding
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