Detailed implementation guidance for the Lead (Pb) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) is provided in the 2008 Lead Standard (PDF) (99pp, 665k) final rulemaking notice, starting on page 67030.
The implementation topics addressed in the 2008 Lead (Pb) Standard notice include:
- designations,
- nonattainment boundaries,
- infrastructure,
- attainment dates,
- reasonably available control measures (RACM)/reasonably available control technology (RACT),
- attainment demonstrations,
- reasonable further progress (RFP),
- contingency measures,
- new source review,
- emissions inventories,
- modeling,
- general conformity, and
- transition policy.
In the above notice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that the regulations and guidance used to implement the 1978 Lead NAAQS are still appropriate for the 2008 Lead standards, with modifications in some cases. The regulations and guidance that address the implementation of the pre-existing NAAQS for lead are mainly provided in the following rules and regulations:
- Regulations listed at 40 CFR 51.100-116, 40 CFR 51.117, 40 CFR 51 subpart I, and 40 CFR 93.150-165
- State Implementation Plans; General Preamble for the Implementation of Title I of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 57 FR 13498, April 16, 1992, and
- State Implementation Plans for Lead Nonattainment Areas; Addendum to the General Preamble for the Implementation of Title I of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 58 FR 67748, December 22, 1993
For more information and supporting documents on the current Lead (Pb) standards, visit the 2008 Lead (Pb) NAAQS page.
Additional implementation guidance is contained in the following documents on this page:
- Guide to Developing RACM for Controlling Lead Emissions (PDF) (72pp, 838k) - March 2012
- Lead Guideline Document (188 pp, 361k) - April 1993
The Estimated Contribution of Ambient Lead (Pb) to Class I Area Visibility Impairment (PDF)(3 pp, 126 K,
November 7, 2011)
This memorandum provides rough estimates of Pb-associated visibility impairment levels in mandatory Class I Federal areas, and the corresponding proportions of those estimated levels to associated total visibility impairment. Pertinent background information, underlying analysis assumptions, and descriptions of the implemented analysis tasks are summarized in this document.
2008 Lead (Pb) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Implementation Questions and Answers with Addendum (PDF)(15 pp, 501 K,
July 8, 2011)
The attached 2008 Pb NAAQS Questions and Answers document addresses issues we have received from the Regional Offices, states and industry. The document provides guidance and additional clarification that will be helpful for the Attainment Demonstration State Implementation Plans (SIPs).
Guidance to States for Meeting Conflict of Interest Requirements of Section 128 of the Clean Ar Act (CAA) (PDF)(7 pp, 365 K,
March 2, 1978)
The enclosed letter and the suggested definitions attached to it are intended to provide guidance to the States concerning the requirements of the section 128 of the Clean Air Act (CAA).