Lead State Implementation Plan (SIP) Checklist Guide
Determine What Type of State Implementation Plan (SIP) is Required
- See development of specific elements for each of the major SIP types
Timeline for the SIP Development Process
Public Input and Other CAA SIP Development Requirements
Public Input
- Streamlining the SIP Process includes guidelines on planning and issuing public notices for each step of development, allowing for public comment.
Monitor, Model, and Inventory Emissions
Strategies for Controlling Lead (Pb)-causing Emissions
- Guide to Developing RACM for Controlling Lead Emissions
- Menu of Control Measures
- Control Analysis Models/Tools for Air Pollution: EPA develops and applies methodologies for estimating the costs of air pollution regulations. Products include cost methodology manuals, spreadsheets for estimating costs, control strategy software, databases of emission control measures, and other useful information related to air pollution control costs.
Submit SIP to EPA for Approval
- Streamlining the SIP process
- Submitting SIP online
- Once the SIP meets completeness criteria, and is submitted to EPA, the state issues a state notification and allows for comment. Then after a final notice, implementation begins (adoption of SIP elements). Note: this begins before the SIP has been finally approved.