Technical Data and Reports on Lead Measurements and SIP Status
EPA collects data from the states and regions on their air quality and state implementation plan (SIP) progress. This information is compiled in a database, and used to create reports, trend charts, and maps.
SIP status reports
Reports for nonattainment area SIP requirements
State Designated Area Reports - For lead (2008), find the status of a state's submissions and EPA actions on those submissions.
National Designated Area Reports - For lead (2008), find a single SIP required element for all applicable states, find the status of state submissions and EPA actions on those submissions.
NAAQS Designated Area Reports - For lead (2008), find the status of all state submissions and EPA actions on those submissions.
Reports for infrastructure SIP requirements
- Infrastructure SIP status reports for lead national SIP status
- Infrastructure SIP status reports listed by state and then search for lead (2008)
SIPs approved by EPA
- View approved SIPs by state: organized by states in each EPA region.
Air quality data
Lead air quality trends: View lead level trends; measured nationally, regionally, and locally; up to 2014.
Lead Design Values: view statistics that describe the air quality status of a given area relative to the level of EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards. These Excel reports are listed by pollutant.
Green Book
- Lead Green Book: listings of areas designated nonattainment for lead (2008). It includes current designation and classification status, area maps, reports, and Federal Register notices.