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Lead Designations

2008 Lead Standards - State Recommendations and EPA Responses

EPA completed lead designations in two rounds. In the first round, the EPA designated as "nonattainment" any area that violated the 2008 lead standards based on data from 2007-2009. The EPA took an additional year to make final designations decisions for all other areas of the country to allow additional lead air quality data to be collected and evaluated. In the second round, the EPA designated those remaining areas as meeting or not meeting the 2008 lead standards based on data from 2008-2010.

State information is presented below.

Tribal information is available on the Tribal Recommendations page.

Click on a state below to view recommendations submitted to EPA by the states.

Alabama Delaware Indiana Michigan New Jersey Oregon Utah
Alaska District of Columbia Iowa Minnesota New Mexico Pennsylvania Vermont
American Samoa Florida Kansas Mississippi New York Puerto Rico Virgin Islands
Arizona Georgia Kentucky Missouri North Carolina Rhode Island Virginia
Arkansas Guam Louisiana Montana North Dakota South Carolina Washington
California Hawaii Maine Nebraska Northern Mariana Islands South Dakota West Virginia
Colorado Idaho Maryland Nevada Ohio Tennessee Wisconsin
Connecticut Illinois Massachusetts New Hampshire Oklahoma Texas Wyoming