Answer: EPA's Renovation, Repair, and Painting program applies to all states, tribes and territories where EPA has not specifically provided authorization for that state, tribe or territory to operate the program themselves.
Currently, there are 14 states and 1 tribe that are authorized by EPA to operate their own RRP programs in lieu of the federal program. Contractors working in these states: Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin, or in the Bois Forte Tribe should contact the respective state or tribe for more information about their training and certification requirements. Links to these state programs are available. Note that if you work in more than one state, you may need both EPA federal and state certifications. Firms operating in all other states, territories or tribes administered by EPA can become certified by first searching for their firm online. If you cannot locate your firm using the search and can confirm your firm does not 106 have a current or pending certification, you can begin an application to certify a new firm using the link provided at the bottom of the “Results” page. Please note that the search results area of the webpage has its own scroll bar separate from the main page, you need to scroll to the bottom of this area to see the link to begin a new firm application. If you work in more than one state, you may need both EPA federal and state certifications
Question Number: 23002-37002
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