My non-profit home repair organization performs renovations using mostly volunteers. We do some painting and scraping but we do mostly roof repair and interior work (bathrooms, kitchens, etc.). Obviously, we want to be in compliance with the law and we want our volunteers, staff and homeowners to be safe. Equally, we want to make sure that we are able to continue to offer this valuable service to our community. Is my organization’s work covered by the Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule?
Answer: The RRP rule covers renovations performed for compensation. If the organization is compensating anyone for the work (for example, a paid supervisor), then the renovation is covered by the RRP Rule. This is the case even though the organization has non-profit status. The organization may also need to become certified as a firm. Beginning April 22, 2010, an organization that performs, offers, or claims to perform renovations covered by the RRP Rule must be certified by 32 EPA. A non-profit organization that offers to renovate the property of a third party for compensation, or that performs the renovation, must be certified as a firm. The organization must comply with all the requirements of the rule that apply to firms performing renovations. This includes having a certified renovator direct the work and provide on-the-job training to all uncertified workers, including volunteers.
Question Number: 23002-19773
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