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What is an "emergency renovation" for purposes of the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule?

Emergency renovations are those performed in response to situations necessitating immediate action to address safety or public health hazards or threats of significant damage to equipment and/or property. The need for immediate action relieves firms from the pre-renovation education requirements. Likewise, emergency renovations are exempt from the warning sign, containment, waste handling, training, and certification requirements to the extent necessary to respond to the emergency. The cleaning, cleaning verification, and recordkeeping requirements still apply.

Once the portion of the repair that addresses the source of the emergency is completed, however, the justification for the exemption from the rule is no longer operative; therefore, any additional renovation activity needed to return the renovation work area to its pre-emergency condition would be subject to the requirements of the rule.Thus, for example, repairing a hole in a wall after a broken water pipe has been repaired would be subject to the rule, as would repainting any water-stained walls or ceilings resulting from the pipe break.

Question Number: 23002-32367 

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