Prior to opening the model, users should extract the .xlsm file from the .zip file to maintain the “read only” property of the model. Users should also retain the original .zip file. Individual economic analyses should be performed using the extracted .xlsm file, saving each analysis as a separate file. View the software requirements below for specific instructions on how to open the model in various versions of Microsoft® Excel.
Software Requirements
The LFGcost-Web model was created in Microsoft® Excel and must be operated in a Microsoft® Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 or Office365 environment.
Microsoft® Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and Office365
- Set Macro Security Level to “Disable all macros with notification.”
- Menu select Developer » Macro Security
- Upon opening the model, select “Enable this content” from the Security Warning – Options… box that appears beneath the menu.
Further Assistance
If you would like assistance using LFGcost-Web, please contact LMOP.
LFGcost-Web (V3.4) Model(2 MB) (Zip Utilities)
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