Environmental Information for Massachusetts
On this page:
On other pages:
- MyEnvironment
MyEnvironment provides local environmental data related to air, water, energy, air pollutants and others.
Air in Massachusetts
- Real-time information about today's air quality forecast in Massachusetts's cities and counties on AirNow.gov
- MyAir for Massachusetts
MyAir shows many different kinds of air data for Massachusetts. - MyClimate for Massachusetts
MyClimate shows greenhouse gas emissions by sector, and other kinds of climate data, for Massachusetts. - Clean Air Act Permitting in Massachusetts
- RadNet Near-Real-Time Air Monitoring Results from Boston, MA
- RadNet Near-Real-Time Air Monitoring Results from Worcester, MA
- Approved Air Quality Implementation Plans in Massachusetts - State Implementation Plans (SIPs), Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs), & Tribal Implementation Plans (TIPs)
- Status of SIP Infrastructure Requirements for Massachusetts
- Status of SIP Requirements for Designated Areas in Massachusetts
- Automobile Exhaust Testing Exit
- Sprague Clean Air Act Settlement Information Sheet
Air in New England
- Air Permitting
- Air Quality
- Approved Air Quality Implementation Plans in New England - State Implementation Plans (SIPs), Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs), & Tribal Implementation Plans (TIPs)
- Indoor Air
- New England Results of the 2011 National Air Toxics Assessment
- Northeast Diesel Collaborative
Asbestos in Massachusetts
Land and Waste Cleanups in Massachusetts
- GE-Pittsfield/Housatonic River
- List of Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) Sites in Massachusetts
- New Bedford Harbor
Land and Waste Cleanups in New England
- Find New England Cleanup Sites
- Brownfields and Land Revitalization in New England
- Corrective Action in New England
- Removal Actions & Emergency Responses in New England
- Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) Sites in New England
Compliance & Enforcement in Massachusetts
- Compliance Dashboards for Massachusetts
See trends in environmental compliance and enforcement. The dashboards provide an easy-to-use summary of activities to answer questions like: which facilities are regulated, how many have been inspected or otherwise evaluated, and how many have alleged violations and have been subject to enforcement. - State Review Framework Reports Assessing EPA and State Enforcement of Environmental Laws in Massachusetts
- MassDEP Enforcement & Appeals Exit
- Reporting a Violation of Lead Paint Rules in New England
Grants in New England
Lead in Massachusetts
Pesticides in Massachusetts
- MA Department of Agricultural Resources - Pesticide Program, National Pesticide Information Center Exit
Toxic Releases
Toxic Releases in Massachusetts
- Most Recent Fact Sheet on the Management of Certain Toxic Chemicals in State of Massachusetts from EPA's Toxic Release Inventory
- TRI Search
Use this search tool to identify industrial facilities that release chemicals into the air, water, and land in your community. Learn what chemicals these facilities release, how these facilities are reducing releases, and potential health impacts of these releases.
Water in Massachusetts
- MyWater for Massachusetts
MyWater shows many different kinds of water data for Massachusetts - No Discharges Zones in Massachusetts
- NPDES Permits for Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Draft Individual Permits
- Massachusetts Final Individual Permits
- Dewatering General Permit (DGP)
- Hydroelectric Generating Facilities General Permit (HYDROGP)
- Noncontact Cooling Water General Permit (NCCWGP)
- Potable Water Treatment Facility General Permit (PWTF GP)
- Publicly Owned Treatment Works General Permit (POTW GP)
- Remediation General Permit (RGP)
- Rumney Marsh Wetland
- Soak Up the Rain: Local Organizations in Massachusetts
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (Approved) for Massachusetts
- Urban River: Merrimack River
- Urban Waters - The Mystic River Watershed
- Water Quality Standards Specific to Massachusetts
- Marine Beaches, MA Department of Public Health Exit
Water in New England
- Clean Water Act Public Notices
- Climate-Ready Estuaries Projects in Region 1
- Managing Ocean Dumping Off of Region 1's Coasts
- NPDES Permits Around the Nation: Find a NPDES Permit
- Sustainable Water Infrastructure
- Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
- Underground Injection Control Program in EPA Region 1
- Midwest Biodiversity Institute: Reports Exit