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Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings Guide: Appendix C

Appendix C: Communting with Building Occupants

The content on this web page is based on the publication Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings[EPA 402-K-01-001, Reprinted September 2008]. Updates have been made to some resources and links.  

Communicating with Building Occupants

Communication with building occupants is essential for successful mold remediation. Some occupants will naturally be concerned about mold growth in their building and the potential health impacts. Occupants' perceptions of the health risk may rise if they perceive that information is being withheld from them. The status of the building investigation and remediation should be openly communicated including information on any known or suspected health risks.

Small remediation efforts will usually not require a formal communication process, but do be sure to take individual concerns seriously and use common sense when deciding whether formal communications are required. Individuals managing medium or large remediation efforts should make sure they understand and address the concerns of building occupants and communicate clearly what has to be done as well as possible health concerns.

Communication approaches include regular memos and/or meetings with occupants (with time allotted for questions and answers), depending on the scope of the remediation and the level of occupant interest. Tell the occupants about the size of the project, planned activities and remediation timetable. Send or post regular updates on the remediation progress, and send or post a final memo when the project is completed or hold a final meeting.

Try and resolve issues and occupant concerns as they come up. When building-wide communications are frequent and open, those managing the remediation can direct more time toward resolving the problem and less time to responding to occupant concerns.

If possible, remediation activities should be scheduled during off-hours when building occupants are less likely to be affected. Communication is important if occupants are relocated during remediation. The decision to relocate occupants should consider:

  • The size of the area affected
  • The extent and types of health effects exhibited by the occupants
  • The potential health risks associated with debris and activities during the remediation project

When considering the issue of relocation, be sure to inquire about, accommodate and plan for individuals with:

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Compromised immune systems
  • Other health-related concerns

Smooth the relocation process and give occupants an opportunity to participate in resolution of the problem by clearly explaining the disruption of the workplace and work schedules. Notify individuals of relocation efforts in advance, if possible.

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