MOVES Onroad Technical Reports
The technical reports for MOVES3 describe the default inputs and algorithms for EPA’s latest version of MOVES: MOVES3. Technical reports for earlier versions of MOVES are included here because much of the technical information in the latest versions of MOVES builds off of information developed for previous versions.
These reports focus on MOVES inputs and algorithms for cars, trucks and other onroad emission sources. MOVES also covers a wide variety of nonroad sources. See the Nonroad Technical Reports page for reports focused on MOVES nonroad inputs and algorithms.
Air Toxic Emissions from Onroad Vehicles in MOVES3 (87 pp, 2 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-022)
Brake and Tire Wear Emissions from Onroad Vehicles in MOVES3 (PDF) (48 pp, 1 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-014)
Emission Adjustments for Temperature, Humidity, Air Conditioning, and Inspection and Maintenance for Onroad Vehicles in MOVES3 (PDF) (66 pp, 2 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-013)
Evaporative Emissions from Onroad Vehicles in MOVES3 (PDF) (69 pp, 2 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-012)
Exhaust Emission Rates for Heavy-Duty Onroad Vehicles in MOVES3 (PDF) (308 pp, 9 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-018)
Exhaust Emission Rates for Light-Duty Onroad Vehicles in MOVES3 (PDF) (294 pp, 13 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-019)
Fuel Supply Defaults: Regional Fuels and the Fuel Wizard in MOVES3 (PDF) (67 pp, 13 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-017)
Greenhouse Gas and Energy Consumption Rates for Onroad Vehicles MOVES3 (PDF) (33 pp, 1 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-015)
Population and Activity of Onroad Vehicles in MOVES3 (PDF) (232 pp, 6 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-023)
Speciation of Total Organic Gas and Particulate Matter Emissions from Onroad Vehicles in MOVES3 (81 pp, 2 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-R-20-021)
Air Toxic Emissions from On-road Vehicles in MOVES2014 (PDF) (102 pp, 1 MB, November 2016, EPA-420-R-16-016)
Brake and Tire Wear Emissions from On-road Vehicles in MOVES2014 (PDF) (58 pp, 1.1MB, EPA-420-R-15-018, November 2015)
Emission Adjustments for Temperature, Humidity, Air Conditioning, and Inspection and Maintenance for On-road Vehicles in MOVES2014 (PDF) (73 pp, 1.15MB, EPA-420-R-15-020, November 2015)
Evaporative Emissions from On-road Vehicles in MOVES2014 (PDF) (107 pp, 2.6MB, EPA-420-R-14-014, September 2014)
Exhaust Emission Rates for Heavy-Duty On-road Vehicles in MOVES2014 (PDF) (231 pp, 2.23MB, EPA-420-R-15-015a, November 2015)
Exhaust Emission Rates for Light-Duty On-road Vehicles in MOVES2014 (PDF) (220 pp, 3.5MB, EPA-420-R-15-005, October 2015)
Fuel Supply Defaults: Regional Fuels and the Fuel Wizard in MOVES2014b (PDF) (24 pp, 679 KB, EPA-420-R-18-008, July 2018)
Greenhouse Gas and Energy Consumption Rates for On-road Vehicles: Updates for MOVES2014 (PDF) (33 pp, 563K, EPA-420-R-15-003, October 2015)
Population and Activity of On-road Vehicles in MOVES2014 (PDF) (168 pp, 6.7 MB, EPA-420-R-16-003a, March 2016)
Speciation of Total Organic Gas and Particulate Matter Emissions from On-road Vehicles in MOVES2014b (PDF) (74 pp, 1.10 MB, EPA-420-R-18-012, July 2018)
U.S. EPA Response to the CRC Project No. E-101, Review of MOVES2014 (PDF) (16 pp, 137 K, EPA-420-R-16-012, October 2016)
MOVES2010b: Additional Toxics Added to MOVES (PDF) (28 pp, 249K, EPA-420-B-12-029a, May 2012)
Development of Evaporative Emissions Calculations for the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator MOVES2010 (PDF) (33 pp, 888K, EPA-420-R-12-027, September 2012)
Updates to the Greenhouse Gas and Energy Consumption Rates in MOVES2010a (PDF) (31 pp, 1MB, EPA-420-R-12-025, August 2012)
Development of Emission Rates for Heavy-Duty Vehicles in the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator MOVES2010 (PDF) (131 pp, 1,64MB, EPA-420-B-12-049, August 2012)
Use of Data from “Development of Emission Rates for the MOVES Model,” Sierra Research, March 3, 2010 (PDF) (97 pp, 2.18MB, EPA-420-R-12-022, August 2012)
Use of Data from “Development of Generic Link-Level Driving Cycles”, Sierra Research, May 5, 2009 (PDF) (255 pp, 6.18MB, EPA-420-B-12-050, August 2012)
Development of Emission Rates for Light-Duty Vehicles in the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES2010) (PDF) (198 pp, 5.2MB, EPA-420-R-11-011, August 2011)
MOVES2010 Fuel Adjustment and Air Toxic Emission Calculation Algorithm – Development and Results (PDF) (62 pp, 821K, EPA-420-R-11-009, July 2011)
MOVES2010 Highway Vehicle Temperature, Humidity. Air Conditioning, and Inspection and Maintenance Adjustments (PDF) (63 pp, 871K, EPA-420-R-10-027, December 2010)
MOVES2010 Highway Vehicle Population and Activity Data (PDF) (128 pp, 1.5MB, EPA-420-R-10-026, November 2010)
Draft MOVES2009
Development of Emission Rates for Light-Duty Vehicles in the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES2009) (PDF) (125 pp, 2.1M, EPA-420-P-09-002, August 2009)
Development of Emission Rates for Heavy-Duty Vehicles in the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (Draft MOVES2009) (PDF) (99 pp, 1.4MB, EPA-420-P-09-005, August 2009)
Development of Evaporative Emissions Calculations for the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (Draft MOVES2009) (PDF) (21 pp, 267K, EPA-420-P-09-006, August 2009)
Development of Gasoline Fuel Effects in the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES2009) (PDF) (161 pp, 724K, EPA-420-P-09-004, August 2009)
Draft MOVES2009 Highway Vehicle Temperature, Humidity, Air Conditioning, and Inspection and Maintenance Adjustments (PDF) (41 pp, 469K, EPA-420-P-09-003, August 2009)
Draft MOVES2009 Highway Vehicle Population and Activity Data (PDF) (105 pp, 707K, EPA-420-P-09-001, August 2009)
Energy and Emission Inputs (PDF) (175 pp, 5.6MB EPA420-P-05-003, March 2005)
User Manual and Technical Issues of GREET for MOVES Integration (PDF) (61 pp, 522K, EPA420-P-05-004, March 2005)
Fuel Consumption Modeling of Conventional and Advanced Technology Vehicles in the Physical Emission Rate Estimator (PERE) (PDF) (124 pp, 2.0MB, EPA420-P-05-001, February 2005)
Highway Vehicle Population and Activity Data (PDF) (99 pp, 445K, EPA420-P-04-020, December 2004)
Update of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors (PDF) (39 pp, 683K, EPA420-P-04-016, November 2004)
MOVES Development
Proof of Concept Investigation for the Physical Emission Rate Estimator (PERE) to be Used in MOVES (PDF) (82 pp, 2.4MB, EPA420-R-03-005, February 2003)
Independent Peer Review of the MOVES Design and Emissions Analysis Plans, and Addendum
Draft Design and Implementation Plan for EPA's Multi-Scale Motor Vehicle and Equipment Emission System (MOVES) (PDF) (92 pp, 899K, EPA420-P-02-006, October 2002)
June 2011 MOVES Workshop
The U.S. EPA held a three-day workshop, June 14-16, 2011 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Presentations included information on MOVES algorithms and default data, information on ways to use MOVES more efficiently for various purposes, and discussion of ideas and plans for future MOVES development.