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MOVES and Related Models

MOVES2014 Update Log

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This page provides a chronological listing of updates to MOVES2014, EPA’s Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator.

January 2021
Update to MOVES2014b Installer

The new installer replaces MySQL with MariaDB as the database server for MOVES2014b. MariaDB continues to support features that MOVES relies on, whereas the latest versions of MySQL removed these features. Using MariaDB resolves various problems that users have found with recent installations of MOVES2014b, including an error where some particulate matter (PM) emissions may be dropped with no error message, sometimes leading to low PM output from MOVES installed with MySQL 5.7.26 or later.

December 2018
Update to MOVES2014b

Repairs a problem with missing information for Oglala Lakota County, South Dakota; fixes an issue preventing MOVES from being able to be run on Linux operating systems; and allows MOVES to work on computers that are still using JAVA 7.

August 2018

MOVES2014b improves emission estimates for nonroad mobile sources, updating nonroad engine population growth indices (EPA-420-R-18-010 (PDF)); nonroad Tier 4 engine populations and rates (EPA-420-R-18-009 (PDF)) and speciation (EPA-420-R-18-011 (PDF)); and sulfur levels of nonroad diesel fuels (EPA-420-R-18-008 (PDF)). Also includes updates to the chemical mechanisms used in air quality modeling (CB05, CB6CMAQ, and SAPRC07T) (EPA-420-R-18-012 (PDF)) and improved interface for post-processing scripts (EPA-420-B-18-038 (PDF)).

April 2018
Updated Installer

A new MOVES2014a installer, MOVES2014a-Setup-20180423.exe, contains additional user help to ensure MySQL is installed and configured properly in light of the release of MySQL Server 8.0, which is not compatible with MOVES.

December 2017
Update to MOVES2014a

Includes corrections to three nonroad post-processing scripts that can be used to convert nonroad inventory output into emission factors.

  • Emission factors in grams per operating hour by equipment type
  • Emission factors in grams per operating hour by equipment type and horsepower class
  • Emission factors in grams per operating hour by SCC

Previous versions of MOVES included an error in these three scripts. These scripts can be run on both new and existing MOVES-Nonroad output databases, even if the old scripts had previously been run on them. They will delete output from the previous scripts and re-perform the calculations correctly.

November 2016
Update to MOVES2014a

Updates emission rates for dioxins and furans (see EPA-420-R-16-016 (PDF) and EPA-420-R-16-017 (PDF)).

Also repairs a problem the Fuel Wizard that, in some cases, resulted in incorrect adjustments to fuel formulations when users changed the ethanol content of the fuel. More information on which fuel scenarios were affected by the error and how the fix impacts a sample county-level emissions inventory are documented in the Fuel Supply Report on the MOVES Technical Reports webpage. Details on using the Fuel Wizard can be found in the MOVES2014a User Interface Reference Manual (PDF) (59 pp, 605 K, EPA-420-B-16-085, November 2016)

December 2015
Update to MOVES2014a

The update includes a new MOVES installer which supports versions of MySQL 5.5 through 5.7, and properly configures installations on 32-bit computers. The previous installer issued a warning message if it detected MySQL 5.7 and also was unable to correctly configure MOVES calculators for 32-bit machines. Both of these technical issues have been resolved.

In addition, EPA has fixed an error in the recent release of MOVES2014a that affected CB05 and CB6 output. This error resulted in incorrect chemical mechanism results if either CB05 or CB6 was requested alone. Regular MOVES output was not affected. If CB05 and CB6 were requested together, the chemical mechanism results would be correct for both. MOVES modelers who are not using MOVES CB05 or CB6 output as input to air quality models are not affected.

November 2015

MOVES2014a incorporates significant improvements in calculating nonroad equipment emissions. It adds volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and toxics to the list of pollutants that can be directly estimated for nonroad equipment. It updates the gasoline fuels used for nonroad equipment to be consistent with those used for onroad vehicles. It also provides users with more flexibility in how nonroad model output is organized. The change in default fuels leads to a small increase in nonroad NOx emissions in some locations.

For onroad emissions, MOVES2014a adds new options requested by users for the input of local vehicle miles traveled (VMT), includes minor updates to the default fuel tables, and corrects an error in MOVES2014 brake wear emissions. The change in brake wear emissions results in small decreases in PM emissions, while emissions for other criteria pollutants remain essentially the same as MOVES2014.

MOVES2014a also corrects an error in the way hydrocarbon emissions are apportioned into the inputs needed by air quality models such as CMAQ and CAMx.

A more detailed list of the changes in MOVES2014a is provided in EPA Releases MOVES2014a Mobile Source Emissions Model: Questions and Answers (PDF)(6 pp, 557 K, EPA-420-F-15-046, November 2015)

October 2014

MOVES2014 is a major new revision to EPA’s mobile source emission model and it replaces MOVES2010 and its minor revisions (MOVES2010a and MOVES2010b). It represents the Agency’s most up-to-date assessment of on-road mobile source emissions. MOVES2014 allows users to benefit from new regulations promulgated since the release of MOVES2010b, incorporates new and up-to-date emissions data, and has improved functionality compared to MOVES2010b. MOVES2014 also has added the capability to model non-highway mobile sources by incorporating EPA’s NONROAD2008 model. For more information, see EPA Releases MOVES2014 Mobile Source Emissions Model (PDF) (5 pp, 161 K, EPA-420-F-14-049, July 2014)