Outreach Materials from the National Aquatic Resource Surveys
This page presents recent materials from the results of the National Aquatic Resource Surveys. Materials include photo story slideshows that highlight key findings from recent reports, factsheets and infographics, webcasts from the Watershed Academy, and videos of scientists discussing their work on NARS.
On this page:
Photo Stories on Key Findings
- National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2013-2014 Report
- National Lakes Assessment 2012 Report and NLA Data Dashboard
- National Wetland Condition Assessment 2011 Report
- National Coastal Condition Assessment 2010 Report and NCCA Data Dashboard
- National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2008-2009 Report
Factsheets and Infographics
- Should Your Lake Be on a Diet?
- When Good Algae Go Bad
- The Condition of U.S. Lakes and Streams: Findings from the National Aquatic Resource Surveys, March 23, 2017
- EPA Releases the First Ever National Wetland Condition Assessment, June 16, 2016
- EPA Releases Scientific Report Showing U.S. Coastal Waters a Mix of Good and Fair Health, Feb. 25, 2016
- Draft National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2008-2009: A Collaborative Survey, April 3, 2013
- National Lakes Assessment: Reporting on the Condition of the Nation's Lakes, January 5, 2010