StreamCat Citations and Use Cases
- Bellmore, R.A., Compton, J.E., Brooks, J.R., Fox, E.W., Hill, R.A., Sobota, D.J., Thornbrugh, D.J. and Weber, M.H., 2018. Nitrogen inputs drive nitrogen concentrations in US streams and rivers during summer low flow conditions. Science of The Total Environment 639: 1349-1359.
- Bennett, M.G., Schofield, K.A., Lee, S.S., and Norton, S.B. 2017. Response of chlorophyll a to total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations in lotic ecosystems: a systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence 6:18.
- Bousquin, J. and K. Hychka. 2019. A Geospatial Assessment of Flood Vulnerability Reduction by Freshwater Wetlands–A Benefit Indicators Approach. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7: 54.
- Dascher, E.D. 2017. Dams, dam removals, and freshwater mussel conservation. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.
- Dauwalter, D.C., Fesenmyer, K.A., Bjork, R. Leasure, D.R., and Wenger, S.J. 2017. Satellite and Airborne Remote Sensing Applications for Freshwater Fisheries. Fisheries 42: 526-537.
- Fesenmyer, K.A., A.L. Haak, S.M. Rummel, M. Mayfield, S.L. McFall, and J.E. Williams. 2017. Eastern Brook Trout Conservation Portfolio, Range-wide Habitat Integrity and Future Security Assessment, and Focal Area Risk and Opportunity Analysis. Final report to National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia.
- Fox, E.W., Hill, R.A., Leibowitz, S.G. et al. Assessing the accuracy and stability of variable selection methods for random forest modeling in ecology.Environ Monit Assess (2017) 189: 316.
- Gillett, D.J., Mazor, R.D., and Norton, S.B. 2019. Selecting comparator sites for ecological causal assessment based on expected biological similarity. Freshwater Science 38(3):554-565.
- Grabowski, Z.J., Watson, E., and Chang, H. 2016. Using spatially explicit indicators to investigate watershed characteristics and stream temperature relationships. Science of the Total Environment 551-552:376-386.
- Hendrick, L.R.F. and McGarvey 2019. Climate change and mountaintop removal mining: a MaxEnt assessment of the potential dual threat to West Virginia fishes. Northeastern Naturalist 26(3):499-522.
- Hill, R.A., M.H. Weber, R. Debbout, S.G. Leibowitz, and A.R. Olsen. 2018. The Lake-Catchment (LakeCat) dataset: characterizing landscape features for lake basins within the conterminous US. Freshwater Science doi:10.1086/697966.
- Hill, R. A., Fox, E. W., Leibowitz, S. G., Olsen, A. R., Thornbrugh, D. J. and Weber, M. H. (2017), Predictive mapping of the biotic condition of conterminous U.S. rivers and streams. Ecol Appl, 27: 2397-2415. doi:10.1002/eap.1617
- Isaak, D.J., Young, M.K., McConnell, C., Roper, B.B., Archer, E.K., Staab, B. Hirsch, C. Nagel, D.E., Schwartz, M.K., and Chandler, G. 2018. Crowd‐Sourced Databases as Essential Elements for Forest Service Partnerships and Aquatic Resource Conservation. Fisheries 43 (3).
- Isaak, D.J., Wenger, S.J., Peterson, E.E., Ver Hoef, J.M., Nagel, D.E., Luce, C.H., Hostetler, S.W., Dunham, J.B., Roper, B.B., Wollrab, S.P., Chandler, G.L., Horan, D.L., and Parkes-Payne, S.P. 2017. The NorWeST Summer Stream Temperature Model and Scenarios for the Western U.S.: A CrowdSourced Database and New Geospatial Tools Foster a User Community and Predict Broad Climate Warming of Rivers and Streams. Water Resources Research 53:9181-9205.
- Isaak, D.J., Wenger, S.J., and Young, M.K. 2017. Big biology meets microclimatology: Defining thermal niches of ectotherms at landscape scales for conservation planning. Ecological Applications 27(3):997-990
- Isaak, D.J., Ver Hoef, J.M, Peterson, E.E., Horan, D.L., Nagel, D.E. 2016. Scalable population estimates using spatial-stream-network (SSN) models, fish density surveys, and national geospatial database frameworks for streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74(2):147-156
- Johnson, Z.J., Leibowitz, S.G., and Hill, R.A.. 2019. Revising the index of watershed integrity national maps. Science of the Total Environment 651:2615-2630.
- Justus, B.G., Dirver, L.J., Green, J.J., and Wentz, N.J., 2019. Relations of dissolved-oxygen variability, selected field constituents, and metabolism estimates to land use and nutrients in high-gradient Boston Mountain streams, Arkansas. Environmental Monitoring and ASsessment, 191:632.
- Kuhn, A., Leibowitz, S.G., Johnson, Z.C., Lin, J., Massie, J.A., Hollister, J.W., Ebersole, J.L., Lake, J.L., Serbst, J.R., James, J. and Bennett, M.G., 2018. Performance of National Maps of Watershed Integrity at Watershed Scales. Water, 10:604.
- Leibowitz, S.G., Comeleo, R.L., Wigington, P.J. Jr, Weber, M.H., Sproles, E.A., and Sawicz, K.A. 2016. Hydrologic landscape characterization for the Pacific Northwest, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52: 473-493.
- Leonard, P.B., Baldwin, R.F., and Hanks, D. 2017. Landscape-scale conservation design across biotic realms: sequential integration of aquatic and terrestrial landscapes. Nature Scientific Reports 7: 14556
- Maloney, KO, Krause, KP, Buchanan, C, Hay, L.E., McCabe, G.J., Smith, Z.M., and Young, J.A.. 2020. Disentangling the potential effects of land‐use and climate change on stream conditions. Glob Change Biol. 00: 1– 20.
- McManamay, R.A., DeRolph, C.R., Surendran-Nair, S., and Allen-Dumas, M. 2019. Spatially explicit land-energy-water future scenarios for cities: Guiding infrastructure transitions for urban sustainability. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review 112:880-900.
- McManamay, R.A., and DeRolph, C.R. 2019. Data Descriptor: A stream classification system for the conterminous United States. Sci. Data. 6:190017.
- Martin, R.W., Waits, E.R., and C.T. Nietch. 2018. Empirically-based modeling and mapping to consider the co-occurrence of ecological receptors and stressors. Science of the Total Enivronment 613-614: 1228-1239.
- Muste, M., and Xu, H. 2017. Mitigation of sedimentation at multi-box culverts. TR-665, Final Report for Iowa Highway Research Board, Iowa City, Iowa.
- Olson, J.R. and Cormier, S. 2019. Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variation in Natural Background Specific Conductivity. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53:4316-4325
- Patrick, C.J., McGarvey, D.J., Larson, J.H., Cross, W.F., Allen, D.C, Benke, A.C., Brey, T., Huryn, A.D., Jones, J., Murphy, C.A., Ruffing, C., Saffarinia, P, Whiles, M.R., Wallace, J.B., and Woodward, G. 2019. Precipitation and temperature drive continental-scale patterns in stream invertebrate production. Sci. Adv. 5(4): 19
- Peterson, E.E. and Pearse, A.R. 2017. IDWPlus: An ArcGIS Toolset for Calculating Spatially Explicit Watershed Attributes for Survey Sites. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53(5): 1241-1249
- Praskievicz, S. and Luo, C. 2019. Unsupervised hydrologic classification of rivers: Watershed controls on natural and anthropogenicflow regimes, Alabama, USA. Hydrological Processes 33:1231-1244
- Read, E.K., Carr, L, De Cicco, L.D., Dugan, H.A., Hanson, P.C., Hart, J.A., Kreft, J., Read, J.S., and Winslow, L.A. 2017. Water quality data for national – scale aquatic research: The Water Quality Portal. Water Resources Research 53(2):1735-1745
- Rummel, S., Fesenmyer, K., Haak, A., Mayfield, M., Hudy, M., and Williams, J. 2017. Identifying high-value “marginal” brook trout populations using a conservation portfolio approach. In “Science, politics, and wild trout management: who’s driving and where are we going?”, B. Carline (ed.), Proceedings of the Wild Trout XII Symposium, West Yellowstone, Montana.
- Scown, M.W., McManus, M.G., Carson, J.H. Jr., Nietch, C.T. 2017. Improving predictive models of in‐stream phosphorus concentration based on nationally‐available spatial data coverages. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53:944-960.
- Taylor, J.B., Stein, E.D., Beck, M., Flint, K., and Kinoshita, A.. 2019. Vulnerability of Stream Biological Communities in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties to Climate Change Induced Alterations of Flow and Temperature. SCCWRP Technical Report #1084. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, Costa Mesa, CA.
- Thornbrugh, D.J., Leibowitz, S.G., Hill, R.A., Weber, M.H., Johnson, Z.C., Olsen, A.R., Flotemersch, J.E., Stoddard, J.L., Peck, D.V. 2018. Mapping watershed integrity for the conterminous United States. Ecological Indicators 85:1133-1148.
- Troia, M.J., Kaz, A.L., Niemeyer, C., and Giam, X. 2019. Species traits and reduced habitat suitability limit efficacy of climate change refugia in streams. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3:1321-1330.
- Troia, M.J. and Giam, X. 2019. Extreme heat events and the vulnerability of endemic montane fishes to climate change. Ecography doi:10.1111/ecog.04576.
- Vlah, M. 2017. Murky waters: discerning among sources of natural variation under high uncertainty and at multiple scales. M.S. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
- Winslow, L.A., Hahn, T.H., Pinciotta, S.D., Leach, T.H., and K.C. Rose. 2018. Characterizing hydrologic networks: Developing a tool to enable research of macroscale aquatic networks. Environmental Modelling & Software 104:94-101.
- Woods, T., and McGarvey, D.J. 2018. Assessing the relative influences of abiotic and biotic factors on American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) distribution using hydrologic, physical habitat, and functional trait data. Ecography doi:10.1111/ecog.03782
- Xu, H., Demir, H., Koylu, C., and Muste, M. 2019. A web-based geovisual analytics platform for identifying potentialcontributors to culvert sedimentation. Science of the Total Environment 692:806-817