StreamCat Metrics and Definitions
Below is a list of the metrics included with StreamCat.
- Variables with Cat appended to names are local catchment-level metrics.
- Variables with Ws appended to names are full watershed metrics.
- Metic Name - Short name of variables as stored in data tables
- Description - Brief definition of StreamCat metric
- Data Location - Table on StreamCat FTP site where metric can be found
- Download a file of the table below - StreamCat Variable List(55 K)
Metric Name | Description | Data Location |
CatAreaSqKm | Area of local NHDPlus catchment (square km) | All tables |
WsAreaSqKm | Watershed area (square km) at NHDPlus stream segment outlet, i.e., at the most downstream location of the vector line segment | All tables |
CatAreaSqKmRp100 | Area of local NHDPlus catchments (square km) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams. | All RipBuf100 tables |
WsAreaSqKmRp100 | Watershed area (square km) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | All RipBuf100 tables |
CatPctFull | % of the catchment that is covered by the landscape layer. | All tables |
WsPctFull | % of the watershed that is covered by the landscape raster. | All tables |
CatPctFullRp100 | % of the riparian buffer within the catchment that is covered by the landscape layer. | All RipBuf100 tables |
WsPctFullRp100 | % of the riparian buffer within the watershed that is covered by the landscape raster. | All RipBuf100 tables |
CanalDensCat | Density of NHDPlus line features classified as canal, ditch, or pipeline within the catchment (km/ square km) | CanalDensity_(RegionID).csv, CanalDensity_(StateID).csv |
CanalDensWs | Density of NHDPlus line features classified as canal, ditch, or pipeline within the upstream watershed (km/ square km) | CanalDensity_(RegionID).csv, CanalDensity_(StateID).csv |
ElevCat | Mean catchment elevation (m) | Elevation_(RegionID).csv, Elevation_(StateID).csv |
ElevWs | Mean watershed elevation (m) | Elevation_(RegionID).csv, Elevation_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 24) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 24) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 23) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 23) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 22) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 22) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2006 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2006 class 21) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2006 class 21) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2006 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2006 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2006 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2006 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2006 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2006 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2006 class 82) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2006 class 82) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2006 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2006 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2006 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2006 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2006 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2006 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2006 class 81) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2006 class 81) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2006 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2006 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2006 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2006 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2006 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2006 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 41) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 41) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 42) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 42) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 43) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 43) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2006 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2006 class 31) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2006 class 31) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2006 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2006 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2006 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2006 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2006 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2006 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2006 class 11) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2006 class 11) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2006 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2006 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2006 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2006 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2006 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2006 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2006 class 12) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2006 class 12) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2006 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2006 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2006 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2006 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2006 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2006 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 95) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 95) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 90) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 90) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2006 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2006 class 52) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2006 class 52) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2006 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2006 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2006 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2006 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2006 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2006 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2006Cat | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2006 class 71) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2006Ws | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2006 class 71) | NLCD2006_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2006CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2006 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2006WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2006 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2006CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2006 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2006WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2006 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2006CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2006 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2006WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2006 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2011Cat | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2011) within catchment | ImperviousSurfaces2011_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2011_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2011Ws | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2011) within watershed | ImperviousSurfaces2011_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2011_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2011CatRp100 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2011) within catchment and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ImperviousSurfaces2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2011WsRp100 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2011) within watershed and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ImperviousSurfaces2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2011CatSlp10 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2011) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | ImperviousSurfaces2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2011WSlp10 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2011) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | ImperviousSurfaces2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2011CatSlp20 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2011) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | ImperviousSurfaces2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2011HiSlope0_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2011WSlp20 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2011) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | ImperviousSurfaces2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2006Cat | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2006) within catchment | ImperviousSurfaces2006_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2006_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2006Ws | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2006) within watershed | ImperviousSurfaces2006_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2006_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2006CatRp100 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2006) within catchment and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ImperviousSurfaces2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2006WsRp100 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2006) within watershed and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ImperviousSurfaces2006RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2006RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2006CatSlp10 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2006) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | ImperviousSurfaces2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2006WSlp10 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2006) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | ImperviousSurfaces2006MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2006MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2006CatSlp20 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2006) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | ImperviousSurfaces2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2006HiSlope0_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2006WSlp20 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2006) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | ImperviousSurfaces2006HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2006HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2001Cat | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2001) within catchment | ImperviousSurfaces2001_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2001_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2001Ws | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2001) within watershed | ImperviousSurfaces2001_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2001_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2001CatRp100 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2001) within catchment and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ImperviousSurfaces2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2001WsRp100 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2001) within watershed and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ImperviousSurfaces2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2001CatSlp10 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2001) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | ImperviousSurfaces2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2001WSlp10 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2001) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | ImperviousSurfaces2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2001CatSlp20 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2001) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | ImperviousSurfaces2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2001HiSlope0_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2001WSlp20 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2001) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | ImperviousSurfaces2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
WtDepCat | Mean seasonal water table depth (cm) of soils (STATSGO) within catchment | STATSGO_Set2_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set2_(StateID).csv |
WtDepWs | Mean seasonal water table depth (cm) of soils (STATSGO) within watershed | STATSGO_Set2_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set2_(StateID).csv |
OmCat | Mean organic matter content (% by weight) of soils (STATSGO) within catchment | STATSGO_Set2_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set2_(StateID).csv |
OmWs | Mean organic matter content (% by weight) of soils (STATSGO) within watershed | STATSGO_Set2_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set2_(StateID).csv |
PermCat | Mean permeability (cm/hour) of soils (STATSGO) within catchment | STATSGO_Set2_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set2_(StateID).csv |
PermWs | Mean permeability (cm/hour) of soils (STATSGO) within watershed | STATSGO_Set2_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set2_(StateID).csv |
RckDepCat | Mean depth (cm) to bedrock of soils (STATSGO) within catchment | STATSGO_Set2_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set2_(StateID).csv |
RckDepWs | Mean depth (cm) to bedrock of soils (STATSGO) within watershed | STATSGO_Set2_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set2_(StateID).csv |
ClayCat | Mean % clay content of soils (STATSGO) within catchment | STATSGO_Set1_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set1_(StateID).csv |
ClayWs | Mean % clay content of soils (STATSGO) within watershed | STATSGO_Set1_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set1_(StateID).csv |
SandCat | Mean % sand content of soils (STATSGO) within catchment | STATSGO_Set1_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set1_(StateID).csv |
SandWs | Mean % sand content of soils (STATSGO) within watershed | STATSGO_Set1_(RegionID).csv, STATSGO_Set1_(StateID).csv |
DamDensCat | Density of georeferenced dams within catchment (dams/ square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( | Dams_(RegionID).csv, Dams_(StateID).csv |
DamDensWs | Density of georeferenced dams within watershed (dams/ square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( | Dams_(RegionID).csv, Dams_(StateID).csv |
DamNrmStorCat | Normal (most common) volume of all reservoirs (NORM_STORA in NID) per unit area of catchment (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( | Dams_(RegionID).csv, Dams_(StateID).csv |
DamNrmStorWs | Normal (most common) volume of all reservoirs (NORM_STORA in NID) per unit area of watershed (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( | Dams_(RegionID).csv, Dams_(StateID).csv |
DamNIDStorCat | Total possible volume of all reservoirs (NID_STORA in NID) per unit area of catchment (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( | Dams_(RegionID).csv, Dams_(StateID).csv |
DamNIDStorWs | Total possible volume of all reservoirs (NID_STORA in NID) per unit area of watershed (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( | Dams_(RegionID).csv, Dams_(StateID).csv |
PopDen2010Cat | Mean population density (people/square km) within catchment | USCensus2010_(RegionID).csv, USCensus2010_(StateID).csv |
PopDen2010Ws | Mean population density (people/square km) within watershed | USCensus2010_(RegionID).csv, USCensus2010_(StateID).csv |
PopDen2010CatRp100 | Mean population density (people/square km) within catchment and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | USCensus2010RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, USCensus2010RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PopDen2010WsRp100 | Mean population density (people/square km) within watershed and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | USCensus2010RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, USCensus2010RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
HUDen2010Cat | Mean housing unit density (housing units/square km) within catchment | USCensus2010_(RegionID).csv, USCensus2010_(StateID).csv |
HUDen2010Ws | Mean housing unit density (housing units/square km) within watershed | USCensus2010_(RegionID).csv, USCensus2010_(StateID).csv |
NPDESDensCat | Density of permitted NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) sites within catchment (sites/square km) | EPA_FRS_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRS_(StateID).csv |
NPDESDensWs | Density of permitted NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) sites within watershed (sites/square km) | EPA_FRS_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRS_(StateID).csv |
NPDESDensCatRp100 | Density of permitted NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) sites within catchment and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines (sites/square km) | EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
NPDESDensWsRp100 | Density of permitted NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) sites within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines (sites/square km) | EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
TRIDensCat | Density of TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) sites within catchment (sites/square km) | EPA_FRS_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRS_(StateID).csv |
TRIDensWs | Density of TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) sites within watershed (sites/square km) | EPA_FRS_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRS_(StateID).csv |
TRIDensCatRp100 | Density of TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) sites within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines in the catchment (sites/square km) | EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
TRIDensWsRp100 | Density of TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) sites within watershed and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines (sites/square km) | EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
SuperfundDensCat | Density of Superfund sites within catchment (sites/square km) | EPA_FRS_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRS_(StateID).csv |
SuperfundDensWs | Density of Superfund sites within watershed (sites/square km) | EPA_FRS_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRS_(StateID).csv |
SuperfundDensCatRp100 | Density of Superfund sites within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines within the catchment (sites/square km) | EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
SuperfundDensWsRp100 | Density of Superfund sites within watershed and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines (sites/square km) | EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, EPA_FRSRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
MineDensCat | Density of mine sites within catchment (mines/square km) | Mines_(RegionID).csv, Mines_(StateID).csv |
MineDensWs | Density of mine sites within watershed (mines/square km) | Mines_(RegionID).csv, Mines_(StateID).csv |
MineDensCatRp100 | Density of mine sites within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines (mines/square km) | MinesRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, MinesRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
MineDensWsRp100 | Density of mine sites within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines (mines/square km) | MinesRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, MinesRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCarbResidCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: carbonate residual material | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctCarbResidWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: carbonate residual material | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctNonCarbResidCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: non-carbonate residual material | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctNonCarbResidWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: non-carbonate residual material | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctAlkIntruVolCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: alkaline intrusive volcanic rock | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctAlkIntruVolWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: alkaline intrusive volcanic rock | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctSilicicCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: silicic residual material | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctSilicicWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: silicic residual material | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctExtruVolCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: extrusive volcanic rock | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctExtruVolWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: extrusive volcanic rock | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctColluvSedCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: colluvial sediment | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctColluvSedWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: colluvial sediment | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacTilClayCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: glacial till, clayey | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacTilClayWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: glacial till, clayey | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacTilLoamCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: glacial till, loamy | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacTilLoamWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: glacial till, loamy | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacTilCrsCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: glacial till, coarse-textured | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacTilCrsWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: glacial till, coarse-textured | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacLakeCrsCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: glacial outwash and glacial lake sediment, coarse-textured | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacLakeCrsWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: glacial outwash and glacial lake sediment, coarse-textured | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacLakeFineCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: glacial lake sediment, fine-textured | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctGlacLakeFineWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: glacial lake sediment, fine-textured | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctHydricCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: hydric, peat and muck | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctHydricWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: hydric, peat and muck | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctEolCrsCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: eolian sediment, coarse-textured (sand dunes) | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctEolCrsWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: eolian sediment, coarse-textured (sand dunes) | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctEolFineCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: eolian sediment, fine-textured (glacial loess) | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctEolFineWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: eolian sediment, fine-textured (glacial loess) | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctSalLakeCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: saline like sediment | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctSalLakeWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: saline like sediment | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctAlluvCoastCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: alluvium and fine-textured coastal zone sediment | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctAlluvCoastWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: alluvium and fine-textured coastal zone sediment | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctCoastCrsCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: coastal zone sediment, coarse-textured | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctCoastCrsWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: coastal zone sediment, coarse-textured | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctWaterCat | % of catchment area classified as lithology type: water | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
PctWaterWs | % of watershed area classified as lithology type: water | Lithology_(RegionID).csv, Lithology_(StateID).csv |
RdDensCat | Density of roads (2010 Census Tiger Lines) within catchment (km/square km) | RoadDensity_(RegionID).csv, RoadDensity_(StateID).csv |
RdDensWs | Density of roads (2010 Census Tiger Lines) within watershed (km/square km) | RoadDensity_(RegionID).csv, RoadDensity_(StateID).csv |
RdDensCatRp100 | Density of roads (2010 Census Tiger Lines) within catchment and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines (km/square km) | RoadDensityRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, RoadDensityRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
RdDensWsRp100 | Density of roads (2010 Census Tiger Lines) within watershed and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines (km/square km) | RoadDensityRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, RoadDensityRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
RdCrsCat | Density of roads-stream intersections (2010 Census Tiger Lines-NHD stream lines) within catchment (crossings/square km) | RoadStreamCrossings_(RegionID).csv, RoadStreamCrossings_(StateID).csv |
RdCrsWs | Density of roads-stream intersections (2010 Census Tiger Lines-NHD stream lines) within watershed (crossings/square km) | RoadStreamCrossings_(RegionID).csv, RoadStreamCrossings_(StateID).csv |
RdCrsSlpWtdCat | Density of roads-stream intersections (2010 Census Tiger Lines-NHD stream lines) multiplied by NHDPlusV21 slope within catchment (crossings*slope/square km) | RoadStreamCrossings_(RegionID).csv, RoadStreamCrossings_(StateID).csv |
RdCrsSlpWtdWs | Density of roads-stream intersections (2010 Census Tiger Lines-NHD stream lines) multiplied by NHDPlusV21 slope within watershed (crossings*slope/square km) | RoadStreamCrossings_(RegionID).csv, RoadStreamCrossings_(StateID).csv |
RunoffCat | Mean runoff (mm) within catchment | Runoff_(RegionID).csv, Runoff_(StateID).csv |
RunoffWs | Mean runoff (mm) within watershed | Runoff_(RegionID).csv, Runoff_(StateID).csv |
Pestic97Cat | Mean pesticide use (kg/km2) in yr. 1997 within catchment | Pesticides97_(RegionID).csv, Pesticides97_(StateID).csv |
Pestic97Ws | Mean pesticide use (kg/km2) in yr. 1997 within watershed | Pesticides97_(RegionID).csv, Pesticides97_(StateID).csv |
BFICat | Baseflow is the component of streamflow that can be attributed to ground-water discharge into streams. The Baseflow Index (BFI) is the ratio of baseflow to total flow, expressed as a percentage, within catchment. | BFI_(RegionID).csv, BFI_(StateID).csv |
BFIWs | Baseflow is the component of streamflow that can be attributed to ground-water discharge into streams. The Baseflow Index (BFI) is the ratio of baseflow to total flow, expressed as a percentage, within watershed. | BFI_(RegionID).csv, BFI_(StateID).csv |
NH4_2008Cat | Annual gradient map of precipitation-weighted mean deposition for ammonium ion concentration wet deposition for 2008 in kg of NH4/ha/yr, within catchment | NADP_(RegionID).csv, NADP_(StateID).csv |
NH4_2008Ws | Annual gradient map of precipitation-weighted mean deposition for ammonium ion concentration wet deposition for 2008 in kg of NH4/ha/yr, within watershed | NADP_(RegionID).csv, NADP_(StateID).csv |
NO3_2008Cat | Annual gradient map of precipitation-weighted mean deposition for nitrate ion concentration wet deposition for 2008 in kg of NO3/ha/yr, within catchment | NADP_(RegionID).csv, NADP_(StateID).csv |
NO3_2008Ws | Annual gradient map of precipitation-weighted mean deposition for nitrate ion concentration wet deposition for 2008 in kg of NO3/ha/yr, within watershed | NADP_(RegionID).csv,NADP_(StateID).csv |
InorgNWetDep_2008Cat | Annual gradient map of precipitation-weighted mean deposition for inorganic nitrogen wet deposition from nitrate and ammonium for 2008 in kg of N/ha/yr, within catchment | NADP_(RegionID).csv, NADP_(StateID).csv |
InorgNWetDep_2008Ws | Annual gradient map of precipitation-weighted mean deposition for inorganic nitrogen wet deposition from nitrate and ammonium for 2008 in kg of N/ha/yr, within watershed | NADP_(RegionID).csv, NADP_(StateID).csv |
SN_2008Cat | Annual gradient map of precipitation-weighted mean deposition for average sulfur & nitrogen wet deposition for 2008 in kg of S+N/ha/yr, within catchment | NADP_(RegionID).csv, NADP_(StateID).csv |
SN_2008Ws | Annual gradient map of precipitation-weighted mean deposition for average sulfur & nitrogen wet deposition for 2008 in kg of S+N/ha/yr, within watershed | NADP_(RegionID).csv,NADP_(StateID).csv |
KffactCat | Mean soil erodibility (Kf) factor (unitless) of soils within catchment. The Kf factor is used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and represents a relative index of susceptibility of bare, cultivated soil to particle detachment and transport by rainfall. | Kffact_(RegionID).csv, Kffact_(StateID).csv |
KffactWs | Mean soil erodibility (Kf) factor (unitless) of soils within watershed. The Kf factor is used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and represents a relative index of susceptibility of bare, cultivated soil to particle detachment and transport by rainfall. | Kffact_(RegionID).csv, Kffact_(StateID).csv |
AgKffactCat | Mean soil erodibility (Kf) factor (unitless) of soils within catchment on agricultural land. The Kf factor is used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and represents a relative index of susceptibility of bare, cultivated soil to particle detachment and transport by rainfall. | Kffact_(RegionID).csv, Kffact_(StateID).csv |
AgKffactWs | Mean soil erodibility (Kf) factor (unitless) of soils within watershed on agricultural land. The Kf factor is used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and represents a relative index of susceptibility of bare, cultivated soil to particle detachment and transport by rainfall. | Kffact_(RegionID).csv, Kffact_(StateID).csv |
Precip8110Cat | PRISM climate data - 30-year normal mean precipitation (mm): Annual period: 1981-2010 within the catchment | PRISM_1981_2010_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_1981_2010_(StateID).csv |
Precip8110Ws | PRISM climate data - 30-year normal mean precipitation (mm): Annual period: 1981-2010 within the watershed | PRISM_1981_2010_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_1981_2010_(StateID).csv |
Tmin8110Cat | PRISM climate data - 30-year normal minimum temperature (°C): Annual period: 1981-2010 within the catchment | PRISM_1981_2010_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_1981_2010_(StateID).csv |
Tmin8110Ws | PRISM climate data - 30-year normal minimum temperature (°C): Annual period: 1981-2010 within the watershed | PRISM_1981_2010_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_1981_2010_(StateID).csv |
Tmean8110Cat | PRISM climate data - 30-year normal mean temperature (°C): Annual period: 1981-2010 within the catchment | PRISM_1981_2010_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_1981_2010_(StateID).csv |
Tmean8110Ws | PRISM climate data - 30-year normal mean temperature (°C): Annual period: 1981-2010 within the watershed | PRISM_1981_2010_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_1981_2010_(StateID).csv |
Tmax8110Cat | PRISM climate data - 30-year normal maximum temperature (°C): Annual period: 1981-2010 within the catchment | PRISM_1981_2010_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_1981_2010_(StateID).csv |
Tmax8110Ws | PRISM climate data - 30-year normal maximum temperature (°C): Annual period: 1981-2010 within the watershed | PRISM_1981_2010_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_1981_2010_(StateID).csv |
NABD_DensCat | Density of georeferenced dams within catchment (dams/ square km) based on the National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset ( | NABD_(RegionID).csv, NABD_(StateID).csv |
NABD_DensWs | Density of georeferenced dams within watershed (dams/ square km) based on the National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset ( | NABD_(RegionID).csv, NABD_(StateID).csv |
NABD_NrmStorCat | Normal (most common) volume of all reservoirs (NORM_STORA in NID) per unit area of catchment (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset ( | NABD_(RegionID).csv, NABD_(StateID).csv |
NABD_NrmStorWs | Normal (most common) volume of all reservoirs (NORM_STORA in NID) per unit area of watershed (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset ( | NABD_(RegionID).csv, NABD_(StateID).csv |
NABD_NIDStorCat | Total possible volume of all reservoirs (NID_STORA in NID) per unit area of catchment (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset ( | NABD_(RegionID).csv, NABD_(StateID).csv |
NABD_NIDStorWs | Total possible volume of all reservoirs (NID_STORA in NID) per unit area of watershed (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Anthropogenic Barrier Dataset ( | NABD_(RegionID).csv, NABD_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 24) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 24) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 23) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 23) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 22) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 22) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2011 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2011 class 21) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2011 class 21) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2011 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2011 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2011 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2011 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2011 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2011 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2011 class 82) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2011 class 82) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2011 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2011 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2011 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2011 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2011 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2011 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2011 class 81) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2011 class 81) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2011 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2011 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2011 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2011 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2011 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2011 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 41) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 41) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 42) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 42) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 43) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 43) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2011 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2011 class 31) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2011 class 31) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2011 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2011 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2011 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2011 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2011 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2011 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2011 class 11) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2011 class 11) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2011 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2011 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2011 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2011 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2011 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2011 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2011 class 12) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2011 class 12) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2011 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2011 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2011 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2011 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2011 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2011 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 95) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 95) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 90) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 90) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2011 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2011 class 52) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2011 class 52) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2011 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2011 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2011 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2011 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2011 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2011 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2011Cat | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2011 class 71) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2011Ws | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2011 class 71) | NLCD2011_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2011CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2011 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2011WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2011 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2011RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2011CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2011 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2011WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2011 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2011MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2011CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2011 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2011WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2011 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2011HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2011HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
Al2O3Cat | Mean % of lithological aluminum oxide (Al2O3) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
Al2O3Ws | Mean % of lithological aluminum oxide (Al2O3) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
CaOCat | Mean % of lithological calcium oxide (CaO) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
CaOWs | Mean % of lithological calcium oxide (CaO) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
Fe2O3Cat | Mean % of lithological ferric oxide (Fe2O3) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
Fe2O3Ws | Mean % of lithological ferric oxide (Fe2O3) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
K2OCat | Mean % of lithological potassium oxide (K2O) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
K2OWs | Mean % of lithological potassium oxide (K2O) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
MgOCat | Mean % of lithological magnesium oxide (MgO) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
MgOWs | Mean % of lithological magnesium oxide (MgO) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
Na2OCat | Mean % of lithological sodium oxide (Na2O) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
Na2OWs | Mean % of lithological sodium oxide (Na2O) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
P2O5Cat | Mean % of lithological phosphorous oxide (P2O5) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
P2O5Ws | Mean % of lithological phosphorous oxide (P2O5) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
SCat | Mean % of lithological sulfur (S) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
SWs | Mean % of lithological sulfur (S) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
SiO2Cat | Mean % of lithological silicon dioxide (SiO2) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
SiO2Ws | Mean % of lithological silicon dioxide (SiO2) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys1_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys1_(StateID).csv |
NCat | Mean % of lithological nitrogen (N) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys2_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys2_(StateID).csv |
NWs | Mean % of lithological nitrogen (N) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys2_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys2_(StateID).csv |
HydrlCondCat | Mean lithological hydraulic conductivity (micrometers per second) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys3_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys3_(StateID).csv |
HydrlCondWs | Mean lithological hydraulic conductivity (micrometers per second) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys3_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys3_(StateID).csv |
CompStrgthCat | Mean lithological uniaxial compressive strength (megaPascals) content in surface or near surface geology within catchment | GeoChemPhys4_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys4_(StateID).csv |
CompStrgthWs | Mean lithological uniaxial compressive strength (megaPascals) content in surface or near surface geology within watershed | GeoChemPhys4_(RegionID).csv, GeoChemPhys4_(StateID).csv |
CoalMineDensCat | Density of coal mines sites within catchment (mines/square km) | CoalMines_(RegionID).csv, CoalMines_(StateID).csv |
CoalMineDensWs | Density of coal mines sites within watershed (mines/square km) | CoalMines_(RegionID).csv, CoalMines_(StateID).csv |
FertCat | Mean rate of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer application to agricultural land in kg N/ha/yr, within the catchment | AgriculturalNitrogen_(RegionID).csv, AgriculturalNitrogen_(StateID).csv |
FertWs | Mean rate of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer application to agricultural land in kg N/ha/yr, within watershed | AgriculturalNitrogen_(RegionID).csv, AgriculturalNitrogen_(StateID).csv |
CBNFCat | Mean rate of biological nitrogen fixation from the cultivation of crops in kg N/ha/yr, within catchment | AgriculturalNitrogen_(RegionID).csv, AgriculturalNitrogen_(StateID).csv |
CBNFWs | Mean rate of biological nitrogen fixation from the cultivation of crops in kg N/ha/yr, within watershed | AgriculturalNitrogen_(RegionID).csv, AgriculturalNitrogen_(StateID).csv |
ManureCat | Mean rate of manure application to agricultural land from confined animal feeding operations in kg N/ha/yr, within catchment | AgriculturalNitrogen_(RegionID).csv, AgriculturalNitrogen_(StateID).csv |
ManureWs | Mean rate of manure application to agricultural land from confined animal feeding operations in kg N/ha/yr, within watershed | AgriculturalNitrogen_(RegionID).csv, AgriculturalNitrogen_(StateID).csv |
HUDen2010CatRp100 | Mean housing unit density (housing units/square km) within catchment and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | USCensus2010RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, USCensus2010RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
HUDen2010WsRp100 | Mean housing unit density (housing units/square km) within watershed and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | USCensus2010RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, USCensus2010RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2000Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2000 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2000Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2000 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2001Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2001 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2001Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2001 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2002Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2002 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2002Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2002 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2003Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2003 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2003Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2003 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2004Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2004 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2004Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2004 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2005Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2005 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2005Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2005 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2006Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2006 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2006Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2006 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2007Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2007 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2007Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2007 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2008Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2008 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2008Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2008 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2009Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2009 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2009Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2009 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2010Cat | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2010 within catchment | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2010Ws | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2010 within watershed | FirePerimeters_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimeters_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2000CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2000 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2000WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2000 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2001CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2001 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2001WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2001 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2002CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2002 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2002WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2002 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2003CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2003 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2003WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2003 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2004CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2004 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2004WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2004 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2005CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2005 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2005WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2005 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2006CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2006 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2006WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2006 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2007CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2007 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2007WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2007 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2008CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2008 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2008WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2008 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2009CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2009 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2009WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2009 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2010CatRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2010 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFire2010WsRp100 | % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for 2010 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, FirePerimetersRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2000Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2000 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2000Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2000 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2001Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2001 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2001Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2001 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2002Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2002 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2002Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2002 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2003Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2003 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2003Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2003 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2004Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2004 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2004Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2004 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2005Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2005 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2005Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2005 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2006Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2006 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2006Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2006 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2007Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2007 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2007Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2007 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2008Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2008 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2008Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2008 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2009Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2009 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2009Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2009 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2010Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2010 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2010Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2010 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2011Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2011 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2011Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2011 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2012Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2012 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2012Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2012 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2013Cat | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2013 within catchment | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2013Ws | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2013 within watershed | ForestLossByYear0013_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2000CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2000 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2000WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2000 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2001CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2001 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2001WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2001 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2002CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2002 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2002WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2002 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2003CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2003 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2003WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2003 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2004CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2004 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2004WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2004 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2005CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2005 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2005WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2005 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2006CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2006 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2006WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2006 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2007CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2007 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2007WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2007 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2008CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2008 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2008WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2008 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2009CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2009 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2009WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2009 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2010CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2010 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2010WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2010 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2011CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2011 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2011WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2011 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2012CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2012 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2012WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2012 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2013CatRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2013 within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctFrstLoss2013WsRp100 | % Forest cover loss (Tree canopy cover change) for 2013 within watershed and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ForestLossByYear0013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctNonAgIntrodManagVegCat | % Nonagriculture nonnative introduced or managed vegetation landcover type reclassed from LANDFIRE Existing Vegetation Type (EVT), within catchment | NonAgIntrodManagVeg_(RegionID).csv, NonAgIntrodManagVeg_(StateID).csv |
PctNonAgIntrodManagVegWs | % Nonagriculture nonnative introduced or managed vegetation landcover type reclassed from LANDFIRE Existing Vegetation Type (EVT), within watershed | NonAgIntrodManagVeg_(RegionID).csv, NonAgIntrodManagVeg_(StateID).csv |
PctNonAgIntrodManagVegCatRp100 | % Nonagriculture nonnative introduced or managed vegetation landcover type reclassed from LANDFIRE Existing Vegetation Type (EVT), within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | NonAgIntrodManagVegRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NonAgIntrodManagVegRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctNonAgIntrodManagVegWsRp100 | % Nonagriculture nonnative introduced or managed vegetation landcover type reclassed from LANDFIRE Existing Vegetation Type (EVT), within catchment and within 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | NonAgIntrodManagVegRipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NonAgIntrodManagVegRipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
Precip08Cat | PRISM climate data - Mean precipitation (mm) within the catchment. Period: 2008 | PRISM_2008_2009_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_2008_2009_(StateID).csv |
Precip08Ws | PRISM climate data - Mean precipitation (mm) within the watershed. Period: 2008 | PRISM_2008_2009_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_2008_2009_(StateID).csv |
Precip09Cat | PRISM climate data - Mean precipitation (mm) within the catchment. Period: 2009 | PRISM_2008_2009_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_2008_2009_(StateID).csv |
Precip09Ws | PRISM climate data - Mean precipitation (mm) within the watershed. Period: 2009 | PRISM_2008_2009_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_2008_2009_(StateID).csv |
Tmean08Cat | PRISM climate data - Mean temperature (°C) within the catchment. Period: 2008 | PRISM_2008_2009_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_2008_2009_(StateID).csv |
Tmean08Ws | PRISM climate data - Mean temperature (°C) within the watershed. Period: 2008 | PRISM_2008_2009_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_2008_2009_(StateID).csv |
Tmean09Cat | PRISM climate data - Mean temperature (°C) within the catchment. Period: 2009 | PRISM_2008_2009_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_2008_2009_(StateID).csv |
Tmean09Ws | PRISM climate data - Mean temperature (°C) within the watershed. Period: 2009 | PRISM_2008_2009_(RegionID).csv, PRISM_2008_2009_(StateID).csv |
WetIndexCat | Mean Composite Topographic Index (CTI) [Wetness Index] within catchment | WetIndx_(RegionID).csv, WetIndx_(StateID).csv |
WetIndexWs | Mean Composite Topographic Index (CTI) [Wetness Index] within watershed | WetIndx_(RegionID).csv, WetIndx_(StateID).csv |
MSST_2008 | Predicted mean summer stream temperature (July-Aug) for year 2008 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MSST_2009 | Predicted mean summer stream temperature (July-Aug) for year 2009 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MSST_2013 | Predicted mean summer stream temperature (July-Aug) for year 2013 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MSST_2014 | Predicted mean summer stream temperature (July-Aug) for year 2014 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MWST_2008 | Predicted mean winter stream temperature (Jan-Feb) for year 2008 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MWST_2009 | Predicted mean winter stream temperature (Jan-Feb) for year 2009 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MWST_2013 | Predicted mean winter stream temperature (Jan-Feb) for year 2013 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MWST_2014 | Predicted mean winter stream temperature (Jan-Feb) for year 2014 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MAST_2008 | Predicted mean annual stream temperature (Jan-Dec) for year 2008 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MAST_2009 | Predicted mean annual stream temperature (Jan-Dec) for year 2009 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MAST_2013 | Predicted mean annual stream temperature (Jan-Dec) for year 2013 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
MAST_2014 | Predicted mean annual stream temperature (Jan-Dec) for year 2014 | RefStreamTempPred_(RegionID).csv, RefStreamTempPred_(StateID).csv |
NRSA_Frame | Flag indicating whether NHDPlusV2 stream segment was included as part of 2008/2009 National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) sampling frame | NRSA_PredictedBioCondition_(RegionID).csv, NRSA_PredictedBioCondition_(StateID).csv |
NARS_Region | National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) reporting region. CPL = Coastal Plains; NAP = Northern Appalachia; NLP = Northern Plains; SAP = Southern Appalachia; SPL = Southern Plains; TPL = Temperate Plains; UMW = Upper Midwest; WMT = Western Mountains; XER = Xeric | NRSA_PredictedBioCondition_(RegionID).csv, NRSA_PredictedBioCondition_(StateID).csv |
prG_BMMI | Predicted probability that a stream segment is in good biologial condition based on a random forest model of the NRSA benthic invertebrate multimetric index (BMMI) | NRSA_PredictedBioCondition_(RegionID).csv, NRSA_PredictedBioCondition_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 24) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 24) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 23) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 23) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 22) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 22) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2001 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2001 class 21) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2001 class 21) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2001 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2001 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2001 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2001 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2001 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2001 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2001 class 82) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2001 class 82) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2001 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2001 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2001 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2001 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2001 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2001 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2001 class 81) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2001 class 81) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2001 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2001 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2001 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2001 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2001 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2001 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 41) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 41) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 42) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 42) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 43) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 43) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2001 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2001 class 31) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2001 class 31) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2001 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2001 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2001 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2001 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2001 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2001 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2001 class 11) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2001 class 11) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2001 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2001 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2001 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2001 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2001 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2001 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2001 class 12) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2001 class 12) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2001 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2001 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2001 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2001 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2001 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2001 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 95) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 95) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 90) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 90) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2001 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2001 class 52) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2001 class 52) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2001 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2001 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2001 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2001 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2001 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2001 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2001Cat | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2001 class 71) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2001Ws | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2001 class 71) | NLCD2001_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2001CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2001 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2001WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2001 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2001RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2001CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2001 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2001WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2001 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2001MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2001CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2001 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2001WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2001 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2001HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2001HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
CHYD_v1 | Hydrologic regulation component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
CCHEM_v1 | Regulation of water chemistry component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
CSED_v1 | Sediment regulation component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
CCONN_v1 | Hydrologic connectivity component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
CTEMP_v1 | Temperature regulation component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
CHABT_v1 | Habitat provision component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
ICI_v1 | Index of catchment integrity | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
WHYD_v1 | Hydrologic regulation component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
WCHEM_v1 | Regulation of water chemistry component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
WSED_v1 | Sediment regulation component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
WCONN_v1 | Hydrologic connectivity component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
WTEMP_v1 | Temperature regulation component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
WHABT_v1 | Habitat provision component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
IWI_v1 | Index of watershed integrity | ICI_IWI_v1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_(StateID).csv |
CHYD_v2 | Hydrologic regulation component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
CCHEM_v2 | Regulation of water chemistry component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
CSED_v2 | Sediment regulation component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
CCONN_v2 | Hydrologic connectivity component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
CTEMP_v2 | Temperature regulation component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
CHABT_v2 | Habitat provision component score calculated using catchment metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
ICI_v2 | Index of catchment integrity | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
WHYD_v2 | Hydrologic regulation component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
WCHEM_v2 | Regulation of water chemistry component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
WSED_v2 | Sediment regulation component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
WCONN_v2 | Hydrologic connectivity component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
WTEMP_v2 | Temperature regulation component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
WHABT_v2 | Habitat provision component score calculated using watershed metrics | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2_(StateID).csv |
IWI_v2 | Index of watershed integrity | ICI_IWI_v2_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2(StateID).csv |
CCHEM (v2.1) | Revised index of regulation of water chemistry component score calculated using catchment metrics (version 2.1) based on Johnson et al. 2018 STOTEN | ICI_IWI_v2.1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
ICI (v2.1) | Revised ndex of catchment integrity (version 2.1) based on Johnson et al. 2018 STOTEN | ICI_IWI_v2.1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v1_(StateID).csv |
WCHEM (v2.1) | Revised index of regulation of water chemistry component score calculated using watershed metrics (version 2.1) based on Johnson et al. 2018 STOTEN | ICI_IWI_v2.1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2.1_(StateID).csv |
IWI (v2.1) | Revised ndex of watershed integrity (version 2.1) based on Johnson et al. 2018 STOTEN | ICI_IWI_v2.1_(RegionID).csv, ICI_IWI_v2.1_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 24) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 24) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 23) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 23) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 22) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 22) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2016 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2016 class 21) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2016 class 21) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2016 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2016 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2016 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2016 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2016 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2016 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2016 class 82) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2016 class 82) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2016 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2016 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2016 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2016 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2016 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2016 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2016 class 81) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2016 class 81) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2016 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2016 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2016 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2016 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2016 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2016 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 41) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 41) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 42) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 42) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 43) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 43) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2016 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2016 class 31) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2016 class 31) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2016 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2016 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2016 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2016 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2016 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2016 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2016 class 11) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2016 class 11) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2016 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2016 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2016 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2016 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2016 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2016 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2016 class 12) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2016 class 12) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2016 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2016 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2016 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2016 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2016 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2016 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 95) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 95) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 90) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 90) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2016 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2016 class 52) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2016 class 52) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2016 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2016 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2016 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2016 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2016 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2016 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2016Cat | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2016 class 71) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2016Ws | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2016 class 71) | NLCD2016_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2016CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2016 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2016WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2016 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2016CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2016 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2016WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2016 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2016CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2016 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2016WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2016 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 24) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 24) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 23) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 23) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 22) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 22) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2004 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2004 class 21) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2004 class 21) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2004 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2004 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2004 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2004 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2004 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2004 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2004 class 82) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2004 class 82) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2004 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2004 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2004 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2004 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2004 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2004 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2004 class 81) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2004 class 81) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2004 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2004 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2004 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2004 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2004 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2004 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 41) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 41) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 42) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 42) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 43) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 43) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2004 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2004 class 31) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2004 class 31) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2004 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2004 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2004 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2004 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2004 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2004 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2004 class 11) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2004 class 11) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2004 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2004 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2004 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2004 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2004 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2004 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2004 class 12) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2004 class 12) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2004 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2004 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2004 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2004 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2004 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2004 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 95) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 95) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 90) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 90) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2004 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2004 class 52) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2004 class 52) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2004 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2004 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2004 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2004 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2004 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2004 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2004Cat | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2004 class 71) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2004Ws | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2004 class 71) | NLCD2004_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2004CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2004 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2004WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2004 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2004RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2004CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2004 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2004WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2004 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2004MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2004CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2004 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2004WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2004 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2004HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2004HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 24) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 24) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 23) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 23) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 22) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 22) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2008 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2008 class 21) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2008 class 21) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2008 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2008 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2008 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2008 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2008 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2008 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2008 class 82) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2008 class 82) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2008 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2008 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2008 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2008 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2008 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2008 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2008 class 81) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2008 class 81) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2008 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2008 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2008 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2008 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2008 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2008 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 41) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 41) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 42) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 42) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 43) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 43) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2008 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2008 class 31) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2008 class 31) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2008 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2008 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2008 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2008 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2008 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2008 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2008 class 11) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2008 class 11) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2008 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2008 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2008 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2008 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2008 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2008 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2008 class 12) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2008 class 12) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2008 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2008 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2008 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2008 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2008 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2008 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 95) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 95) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 90) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 90) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2008 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2008 class 52) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2008 class 52) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2008 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2008 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2008 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2008 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2008 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2008 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2008Cat | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2008 class 71) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2008Ws | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2008 class 71) | NLCD2008_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2008CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2008 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2008WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2008 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2008RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2008CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2008 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2008WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2008 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2008MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2008CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2008 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2008WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2008 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2008HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2008HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 24) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 24) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 24) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbHi2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 24) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 23) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 23) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 23) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbMd2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,medium-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 23) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 22) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 22) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 22) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbLo2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed,low-intensity land use (NLCD 2013 class 22) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2013 class 21) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2013 class 21) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2013 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2013 class 21) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2013 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2013 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2013 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctUrbOp2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD 2013 class 21) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2013 class 82) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2013 class 82) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2013 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2013 class 82) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2013 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2013 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2013 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctCrop2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as crop land use (NLCD 2013 class 82) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2013 class 81) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2013 class 81) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2013 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2013 class 81) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2013 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2013 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2013 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHay2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as hay land use (NLCD 2013 class 81) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 41) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 41) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 41) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctDecid2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 41) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 42) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 42) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 42) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctConif2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 42) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 43) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 43) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 43) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctMxFst2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD 2013 class 43) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2013 class 31) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2013 class 31) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2013 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2013 class 31) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2013 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2013 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2013 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctBl2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as barren land cover (NLCD 2013 class 31) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2013 class 11) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2013 class 11) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2013 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2013 class 11) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2013 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2013 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2013 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctOw2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as open water land cover (NLCD 2013 class 11) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2013 class 12) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2013 class 12) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2013 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2013 class 12) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2013 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2013 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2013 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctIce2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD 2013 class 12) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 95) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 95) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 95) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctHbWet2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 95) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 90) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 90) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 90) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctWdWet2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD 2013 class 90) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2013 class 52) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2013 class 52) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2013 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2013 class 52) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2013 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2013 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as woody shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2013 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctShrb2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD 2013 class 52) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2013Cat | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2013 class 71) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2013Ws | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2013 class 71) | NLCD2013_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2013CatRp100 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2013 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2013WsRp100 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2013 class 71) within a 100-m buffer of NHD streams | NLCD2013RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2013CatSlp10 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2013 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2013WsSlp10 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2013 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | NLCD2013MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2013CatSlp20 | % of catchment area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2013 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctGrs2013WsSlp20 | % of watershed area classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD 2013 class 71) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | NLCD2013HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, NLCD2013HiSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2016Cat | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2016) within catchment | ImperviousSurfaces2016_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2016_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2016Ws | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2016) within watershed | ImperviousSurfaces2016_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2016_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2016CatRp100 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2016) within catchment and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ImperviousSurfaces2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2016WsRp100 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2016) within watershed and within a 100-m buffer of NHD stream lines | ImperviousSurfaces2016RipBuf100_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2016RipBuf100_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2016CatSlp10 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2016) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | ImperviousSurfaces2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2016WSlp10 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2016) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 10% | ImperviousSurfaces2016MidSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2016MidSlope_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2016CatSlp20 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2016) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | ImperviousSurfaces2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2016HiSlope0_(StateID).csv |
PctImp2016WSlp20 | Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD 2016) occurring on slopes greater than or equal to 20% | ImperviousSurfaces2016HiSlope_(RegionID).csv, ImperviousSurfaces2016HiSlope_(StateID).csv |