These presentations were conducted at the Producers and Processors Technology Transfer Workshop held on May 25, 2006 in Kenai, Alaska.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Airborne Differential Absorption Lidar Detection and Measurement of Fugitive Emissions (PDF)(11 pp, 1 MB)
- Devon Energy: EPA Natural Gas STAR Program (PDF)(13 pp, 1 MB)
- Directed Inspection and Maintenance and IR Leak Detection (PDF)(8 pp, 157 K)
- Evaluation of Methane Flux from Natural Gas Transportation System from Satellite (PDF)(23 pp, 3 MB)
- Liquefied Natural Gas Emissions Reduction Opportunities (PDF)(9 pp, 1 MB)
- Methane Savings from Compressors (PDF)(8 pp, 869 K)
- Natural Gas Dehydration (PDF)(17 pp, 496 K)
- Natural Gas STAR Program (PDF)(8 pp, 137 K)
- Opportunities for Methane Emissions Reductions from Natural Gas Production (PDF)(8 pp, 137 K)
- The Hawk: Tomorrows Technology Today (PDF)(3 pp, 125 K)