Technology Transfer Workshops
Technology transfer workshops provide a forum for oil and natural gas companies to receive and share detailed information about current cost-effective technologies and practices to reduce methane emissions in their specific sector. Workshops are free-of-charge and open to anyone.
- 3rd Annual AGA-EPA Natural Gas STAR/Methane Challenge Renewable Natural Gas Workshop, September 24, 2019 - Reno, Nevada
- 2nd Annual AGA-EPA Natural Gas STAR/Methane Challenge Renewable Natural Gas Workshop, October 23, 2018 - Fort Worth, Texas
- Transmission and Storage Technology Transfer Workshop, June 7, 2018 - Glen Allen, VA
- Renewable Natural Gas – Driving Value for the Natural Gas and Biogas Sectors, September 26, 2017 - Broomfield, Colorado
- Excavation Damage Prevention, May 17, 2017 - Springfield, Virginia
- Pipeline Blowdowns in Transmission and Distribution, November 10, 2016 - Houston, Texas
- 1st Global Methane Initiative Workshop and Exhibition in the Middle East, April 27-28, 2015 - Khobar, Saudi Arabia
- Production Technology Transfer Workshop, February 11, 2014 - Denver, Colorado
- Production Technology Transfer Workshop, February 13, 2014 - Park City, Utah
- Production Technology Transfer Workshop, September 24, 2013 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Distribution Technology Transfer Workshop, May 23, 2013 - Orlando, Florida
- Benefits of Methane Emissions Reductions in the Hydrocarbon Sector, November 19, 2012 - Bogotá, Colombia
- Turkmenistan Natural Gas STAR International Workshop, November 9, 2011 - Farmingham, New Mexico
- 2011 Global Methane Initiative Partnership-Wide MeetingExit, October 12-14, 2011 - Krakow, Poland
- 1st Asia Pacific Global Methane Initiative Oil and Gas Sector WorkshopExit, September 23, 2011 - Jakarta, Indonesia
- Gas Flaring/Venting and Fugitive Emissions Measurement Workshop, May 13-14, 2011 - Villahermosa, Mexico
- Second International Workshop on Methane Emissions Reduction Technologies in the Oil and Natural Gas IndustryExit, April 21, 2011 - Huadong, China
- Seminar with Russian Independent Oil and Gas Producers on Methane Mitigation Technologies and Strategies, October 4, 2010 - Moscow, Russia
- Producers Technology Transfer Workshop, May 11, 2010 - Farmington, New Mexico
- Turkmenistan Symposium on Natural Gas System Management, April 26-29, 2010 - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
- Producers Technology Transfer Workshop, March 23-24, 2010 - Vernal, Utah
- Producers Technology Transfer Workshop, November 18, 2009 - State College, Pennsylvania
- Producers and Processors Technology Workshop, August 31, 2009 - Billings, Montana
- Production Technology Transfer Workshop, May 14, 2009 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- Production Technology Transfer Workshop, February 27, 2009 - Charleston, West Virginia
- Flaring and Venting Reduction & Natural Gas Utilization ForumExit, December 3-5, 2008 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Technology Transfer Workshop on Methane Emissions in the Petroleum and Gas Sector / Technology Demonstration, November 5-6, 2008 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Program for International Science-Technical seminar, Methane to Markets: Theoretical and Practical Aspects for Oil and Gas Complex, October 29-30, 2008 - Razvilka, Russia
- Production and Processing Technology Transfer Workshop, July 23, 2008 - Midland, Texas
- Transmission Technology Transfer Discussion in conjunction with the Southern Gas Association's Environmental Round Table, June 25, 2008 - Charlotte, North Carolina
- Offshore Production Technology Transfer Workshop, May 6, 2008 - New Orleans, Louisiana
- Production Technology Transfer Workshop, May 1, 2008 - Rock Springs, Wyoming
- Production Technology Transfer Workshop, April 29, 2008 - Denver, Colorado
- International Workshop on Methane Emissions Reduction Technologies in the Oil and Gas IndustryExit, April 17-18, 2008 - Huadong, China
- Producers Technology Transfer Workshop, September 13, 2007 - Durango, Colorado
- Producers Technology Transfer Workshop, September 11, 2007 - Glenwood Springs, Colorado
- Processors Technology Transfer Workshop, August 21-22, 2007 - Long Beach, California
- Producers Technology Transfer Workshop, May 17, 2007 - College Station, Texas
- Processors Technology Transfer Workshop, April 24, 2007 - Houston, Texas
- International Technology Transfer WorkshopExit, January 15-17, 2007 - Calgary, Canada