National Estuary Program Reports
The following National Estuary Program reports are available:
Preparing for Disaster: The National Estuary Programs Role in Pre-Disaster Planning, Post-Disaster Recovery, and Hazard Mitigation
Many of the 28 National Estuary Programs’ (NEP) study areas have been affected by a disaster or hazard event, including hurricanes, floods, fires, nor’easters, and hazardous waste spills. In Preparing for Disaster: The National Estuary Programs Role in Pre-Disaster Planning, Post-Disaster Recovery, and Hazard Mitigation, four case studies demonstrate that NEPs play an important role in pre-disaster planning, post disaster recovery, and hazard mitigation by acting as place-based capacity builders, nimble communicators, community conveners of partners, and scientific experts in their local watersheds. The case studies presented are from the following NEPs: 1) Barnegat Bay Partnership (New Jersey), 2) San Francisco Estuary Partnership (California), 3) Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (Louisiana), and 4) Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program (Texas).
Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise During Municipal Operations
The Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise During Municipal Operations report provides approaches that local government officials and municipal program managers in small to midsize communities can use to incorporate green infrastructure components into work they are doing in public spaces. The document presents examples and case studies of how integrating green infrastructure methods can enhance retrofits and maintenance projects and provide other multiple community benefits.
Getting to Green: Paying for Green Infrastructure, Finance Options and Resources for Local Decision-Makers
The Getting to Green: Paying for Green Infrastructure, Finance Options and Resources for Local Decision-Makers report summarizes various funding sources that can be used to support stormwater management programs or finance individual projects. Each type of funding source is illustrated by several municipal programs and contains a list of additional resources.
Coastal Stormwater Management Through Green Infrastructure: A Handbook for Municipalities
This handbook is designed to assist municipalities within the Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay areas to incorporate green infrastructure into their stormwater management planning. It can also be readily applied to other states. See: Coastal Stormwater Management Through Green Infrastructure: A Handbook for Municipalities.
Community Culture and the Environment: A Guide to Understanding a Sense of Place
This guide explores the concepts of community and culture and provides tools for identifying, assessing and working cooperatively within the social dynamics and local values connected to environmental protection. See: Community Culture and the Environment: A Guide to Understanding a Sense of Place.
Indicator Development for Estuaries
The Indicator Development for Estuaries manual provides information on indicator development and a framework for the development of indicators for use in coastal waters.
Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Methods Manual
This manual contains information and methodologies specific to monitoring estuarine water quality. The manual explains how to establish and maintain a volunteer monitoring program, as well as working effectively with volunteers and ensuring their safety. See: Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Methods Manual.
Community-Based Watershed Management: Lessons from the National Estuary Program (NEP)
The Community-Based Watershed Management: Lessons from the National Estuary Program (NEP) report is designed for all individuals and organizations involved in watershed management, including states, tribes, local governments and nongovernmental organizations. This document describes innovative approaches to watershed management implemented by the 28 National Estuary Programs (NEPs).
The NEP provides important lessons for other coastal communities working to restore and protect their watersheds. See: Lesson Learned by National Estuary Programs.