News Releases from Headquarters›Office of the Administrator (AO)
EPA Administrator Honors Small Business Champions
WASHINGTON - In honor of National Small Business Week, today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized individuals, businesses, state and local entities, as well as EPA employees, for their outstanding contributions to the agency’s small business programs. The ceremony program celebrated American entrepreneurship and highlighted EPA’s commitment to small businesses and their part in driving the country’s job creation, community sustainability and global competitiveness.
EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler opened the award ceremony and noted that EPA continues to maintain an extraordinary record of maximizing small business contracting opportunities and providing much needed small business regulatory and environmental compliance assistance.
“I want to congratulate each of this year’s Small Business Award winners,” said EPA Administrator Wheeler. “I’m proud to say that EPA goes above and beyond to uphold its partnership with U.S. small businesses and the families and communities they support.”Going forward, EPA will continue to maintain its record of excellence in supporting the nation’s small businesses.
As reiterated in today’s awards ceremony, the agency remains resolute in maximizing small business contracting opportunities and furthering small business regulatory and environmental assistance interests as an integral part of the agency’s human health and environmental protection.
A complete listing of the award recipients can be found at the end of this press release.
Read President Trump’s National Small Business Week, 2019 Proclamation and
EPA Small Business Week Blog authored by Denise Benjamin Sirmons, Director of EPA’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler delivers remarks at the 2019 Small Business Awards ceremony
Winners of the 2019 Small Business Awards
Recipients of the Administrator's 29th Annual Small Business Program Awards
For Fiscal Year 2018
Award for Outstanding Direct Procurement Program Achievement
Michael Ottariano, EPA Region 1
Recognition for EPA Team Effort Includes:
- Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation: Kate Garufi, Barbara McDonough, Jeanette Mendes, Robert Jennings
- Office of Acquisition Solutions: Bonnie Kane-Sharp; Alejandra Herbas, Raoul D. Scott Jr., Kimberly Patrick, Office of General Counsel: Sara McGraw
Award for Outstanding Direct Procurement Program Achievement
Chester Stovall, EPA Region 7
Award for Outstanding Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Accomplishments by an EPA Employee or Group
EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention Fees Rule Team:
Melissa Chun, Mark Hartman, Erin Koch, Cody Rice, Hans Scheifele, Ryan Schmitt, and Stephanie Suazo
Award for Outstanding Accomplishments by an EPA Employee or Group in Support of Small Businesses Impacted by EPA Regulations
Andrew Anderson, EPA Region 5
Award for Outstanding State and/or Local Performance Achievement (DBE Program)
Metropolitan District of Connecticut
Award for Outstanding Accomplishments by a Small Business Trade Association or State Small Business Environmental Assistance Provider in Providing Technical Environmental Assistance to the Small Business Community
Tony Pendola, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Award for Outstanding Accomplishments by a Large Prime Contractor
Eastern Research Group, Inc.
Award for Outstanding Accomplishments by a Small Business Contractor
GreenTechnologies, LLC.
Award for Outstanding Accomplishments by a Woman Owned Small Business Contractor
Environmental Compliance Office, Inc.
Award for Outstanding Accomplishments by a Tribal Contractor
Cherokee Nation Systems Solutions
EPA’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Director's Awards
- The EPA Office of Administration and Resources Management
- EPA Region 7
- EPA Office of Environmental Information
- EPA Office of Research and Development
- EPA Region 6
Crystal Duck Award for Outstanding Overall Small Business Program Support
- Christopher Nolte, Junior Resource Official, EPA Office of Land and Emergency Response
- Donald Denno, Regional Acquisition Manager, EPA Regions 7 and 10
- James McDonald, Assistant Regional Administrator for Mission Support, EPA Region 6