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News Releases

News Releases from Region 07

EPA Administrator Wheeler Appoints New Members from Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas to Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Committee

Contact Information: 
Jenn Little (

Environmental News


image of FRRCC logo(Lenexa, Kan., June 17, 2020) - Today, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler is announcing the appointment of four new members from Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas to the Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Committee (FRRCC). Established in 2008, the FRRCC is a federal advisory committee that provides independent policy advice, information and recommendations to the EPA administrator on a range of environmental issues and policies that are of importance to agriculture and rural communities.

“One of my priorities for EPA has been to restore trust for our Agency among agricultural stakeholders and rural communities,” Wheeler said. “President Trump has been clear about the administration’s commitment to agriculture and rural America, and as part of that commitment, I am excited to reinstate the Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Committee in 2020 with full membership. This committee will provide valuable input on how EPA’s decisions impact rural America, and I look forward to receiving the committee’s recommendations.”

“Within Region 7, agriculture is our largest industry and predominant land use with more than 286,000 farm operations across Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska,” said EPA Region 7 Administrator Jim Gulliford. “EPA strives to deliver innovative environmental solutions that work for rural America, and I am pleased to have voices from our region on the committee to help achieve this goal.”

The new FRRCC members selected from Region 7 states are:
  • William (Bill) Couser - Couser Cattle Company; Nevada, Iowa
  • Nicholas McCarthy - Central Valley Ag Cooperative; York, Nebraska
  • Jesse McCurry - Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission and Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association; Colwich, Kansas
  • William R. Pracht – Pracht Farms and East Kansas Agri-Energy; Garnett, Kansas

To build a broad and balanced representation of perspectives for the FRRCC, EPA selected 33 members across the nation to represent a variety of relevant sectors from across the U.S., including agricultural stakeholders and allied industries; academia; state, local, and tribal government; and nongovernmental organizations.

In selecting committee members, EPA reviewed the quality of applications received between Nov. 7 and Dec. 31, 2019, for nearly 150 nominations and considered qualifications such as: whether candidates have experience in agricultural issues of relevance to EPA programs; are actively engaged in agricultural production; have related leadership experience; demonstrated ability to examine and analyze complex environmental issues with objectivity and integrity; have experience working on issues where building consensus is necessary; and are able to volunteer time to the committee’s activities.

The committee had no current members at the time of solicitation; therefore, these 33 nominees will constitute a new committee and each serve two- or three-year terms beginning on June 15, 2020. The new members of the FRRCC hail from 24 states and one territory in all 10 EPA Regions, with six of the members working in multiple states or at a national capacity. The committee expects to meet approximately twice a year beginning in late summer 2020.

For further information or a full list of all FRRCC members selected:

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