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News Releases

News Releases from Region 05

EPA Awards $1.48 million to Ohio for Water Quality Protection

Contact Information: 
Joshua Singer (

COLUMBUS, OHIO (April 16, 2019) − U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $1,483,000 to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for water quality protection. The grant is the first installment of this year’s federal funding to the State of Ohio for programs to prevent water pollution.

“Today’s award demonstrates the cooperative partnership between federal and state agencies to protect and restore Ohio’s waters,” said EPA Region 5 Administrator Cathy Stepp. “This federal funding will safeguard the water resources that Ohioans depend on for drinking, agriculture and recreation.”

EPA funding will support Ohio’s programs to improve and maintain the quality of water in its rivers, lakes and streams by monitoring water bodies, taking actions to restore waters found to be impaired, and water quality planning and permitting.


The Clean Water Act is the legal foundation for the protection of surface water quality in the United States. Section 106 of the Clean Water Act authorizes EPA to provide financial assistance to states (including territories and the District of Columbia), and eligible interstate agencies and tribes to establish and implement ongoing water pollution control programs. Each state and territory has established programs to protect and restore fresh waters, coastal waters, and wetlands as outlined in the Clean Water Act.

More information on EPA’s Water Pollution Control (Section 106) grant program: