News Releases from Region 02
EPA Finalizes Plan for Next Phase of Cleanup at the Sherwin-Williams/Hilliards Creek Superfund Site in Gibbsboro, New Jersey
Gibbsboro, N.J. – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has finalized its plan that includes a combination of technologies and methods to address contamination present at the former paint manufacturing plant and adjoining areas of the Sherwin-Williams/Hilliards Creek Superfund Site in Gibbsboro. EPA’s study of these areas shows that sediment is contaminated with arsenic and lead, and soil is contaminated with arsenic, lead and paint solvents.
“The former paint manufacturing plant area is a major source of contamination at this Superfund site and addressing it will be a major step forward in getting to the cleanup of Hilliards Creek, Bridgewood Lake, Silver Lake, and Kirkwood Lake, which have been long sought by this community,” said EPA Regional Administrator Pete Lopez. “EPA has been working closely with local officials and impacted communities as it continues to make progress at this and the other related Sherwin-Williams sites in the area.”
EPA’s Record of Decision addresses a nearly 20-acre area of the former manufacturing plant, several adjoining residential properties, and the headwaters of Hilliards Creek. The selected remedy at the former manufacturing plant area includes excavation and disposal of approximately 67,000 cubic yards of soil containing arsenic and lead, groundwater monitoring, and institutional controls in the form of deed notices. Soil contaminated with paint solvents will be treated at the site by injecting non-hazardous additives to the subsurface soil to promote their natural breakdown. Soil gas collection systems will be installed to collect and treat vapors from the breakdown of paint solvents. The selected remedy also requires excavation and disposal of floodplain soil and sediment containing arsenic and lead within Upper Hilliards Creek. Surface water will be monitored during the implementation of the remedy and the wetland areas will be restored with vegetation and soil similar to what previously existed.
EPA held a public meeting in Gibbsboro on December 5, 2019, to explain its cleanup plan. EPA accepted public comments for 60 days and considered public input before finalizing the plan.
EPA’s final decision, outlined in a record of decision, can be found at:
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