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News Releases

News Releases from Region 10

EPA Region 10 Issues Outdoor Burn Ban for the Yakama Reservation in Washington

All outdoor open burning on the Yakama Reservation is prohibited due to stagnant and unhealthy air conditions

Contact Information: 
Suzanne Skadowski (

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10, in coordination with the Yakama Nation, has issued a ban on all outdoor open burning on the Yakama Reservation in eastern Washington, due to stagnant air conditions. This ban is in effect beginning 9:00 a.m., Thursday, December 24, until further notice.  

The burn ban applies to all outdoor and agricultural burning—including camping and recreational fires—in all areas within external reservation boundaries regardless of ownership or tribal membership. Ceremonial and traditional fires are exempt from the burn ban.

EPA requests that reservation residents reduce all sources of air pollution as much as possible, including driving and idling of vehicles.

Air pollution can harm your health and can have lasting effects. Community cooperation with the ban will help people who are most at risk, including children, the elderly, pregnant women, people with asthma or difficulty breathing, diabetes, heart problems or otherwise compromised health. These sensitive groups should avoid outdoor exercise and minimize exposure to outdoor pollution as much as possible. Under the most severe pollution levels all residents should restrict their activities. To check conditions in your area, go to

For current burn ban status on tribal lands, please call the EPA FARR Hotline at 1-800-424-4372, or visit

For burning restrictions in areas outside reservation boundaries, please contact your local clean air agency, fire department, or the Washington Department of Ecology.