News Releases from Region 01
EPA Settlement with Connecticut and Rhode Island Scrap Metal Companies Reduces Air Pollution
BOSTON – Under the terms of a recent settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Connecticut Scrap, LLC and five related scrap metal companies in Connecticut and Rhode Island will pay a total penalty of $160,000 and take important steps to comply with the Clean Air Act (CAA).
EPA alleged that Connecticut Scrap failed to comply with federal standards for large stationary diesel engines designed to reduce air pollution from these engines. EPA also claimed that Connecticut Scrap and its five related scrap metal companies failed to comply with federal standards designed to protect the stratospheric ozone layer, which shields us from ultra-violet radiation from the sun.
"EPA is committed to protecting public health and clean air by ensuring compliance with laws and regulations that limit pollution from diesel engines," said EPA New England Regional Administrator Dennis Deziel. "EPA appreciates that these companies worked cooperatively to correct the issues raised during this case."
In lieu of complying by installing controls on its large stationary diesel engine, Connecticut Scrap opted to take the engine out of service and connect to the electric power grid. Connecticut Scrap completed this conversion in March 2019. Removing this engine and switching to grid power helps reduce emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter as well as hazardous air pollutants such as formaldehyde. The health effects of these pollutants include a range of respiratory issues, especially asthma among children and seniors.
In addition, Connecticut Scrap certified that it is now complying with the regulations designed to limit releases to the air of chemicals, such as refrigerants used in air conditioning systems and cooling equipment, that damage the earth's stratospheric ozone layer.
Connecticut Scrap, primarily located in Uncasville, Connecticut accepts and shreds various post-consumer and industrial metals. The facility collects white goods, appliances, cars, demolition waste, and other metals from the public and from scrap yards operated by related entities in Connecticut and Rhode Island. The various metals are shredded by a hammermill shredder formerly powered by a large diesel engine.
The Connecticut Scrap entities are Connecticut Scrap, L.L.C.; City Auto Parts, Incorporated; Exeter Scrap Metal, L.L.C; Nichols Auto Parts, Inc.; Ross Recycling, Inc., all in Connecticut; and Yerrington's Auto Salvage, Inc., in Rhode Island.
For more EPA information on stationary sources of air pollution:
For more EPA information on Clean Air Act enforcement: