EPA has formulated a draft permit for Rio del Oro under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Development of the draft permit was based on a preliminary staff review by EPA, Region 6, and consultation with applicable States and/or Tribes. The permit will become effective 30 days after the close of the comment period unless:
A. Applicable State and/or Tribe denies certification under section 401 of the Clean Water Act, or requests an extension for certification prior to the date.
B. Comments received by deadlines listed for individual Public Notice(s) below in accordance with 40 CFR §124.20, warrant a public notice of EPA's final permit decision.
C. A public hearing is held requiring delay of the effective date.
EPA's comment and public hearing procedures may be found at 40 CFR §124.10 and §124.12. The comment period during which written comments on the draft permits may be submitted is noted for the individual Public Notice. During the comment period, any interested person may request a Public Hearing by filing a written request which must state the issues to be raised. A public hearing will be held when EPA finds a significant degree of public interest.
EPA will notify the applicant and each person who has submitted comments or requested notice of the final permit decision. A final permit decision means a final decision to issue, deny, modify, revoke or reissue, or terminate a permit. Any person who filed comments on or participated in a public hearing on the draft permit may appeal the Agency’s final permit decision. However, the request must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the final permit decision and be in accordance with the requirements of 40 §CFR 124.19.
Further information regarding the administrative record may be requested from the EPA contact above or viewed at the above address between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. It is recommended that you write or call to the contact above for an appointment, so the record (s) will be available at your convenience.
Review the draft permit and associated documents