North Birmingham Environmental Collaboration Project

The EPA is moving forward with a coordinated approach to evaluate the environmental condition and potential environmental impacts, in certain areas of the North Birmingham, Fairmont, Collegeville, and Harriman Park neighborhoods, as well as portions of Five-Mile Creek and Harriman Park ditch, located in and around Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama. This effort, which includes air, water and waste issues, is known as the North Birmingham Environmental Collaboration Project.
Fact Sheets and FAQs
- North Birmingham Multi Media Updates
- General Notice Letters Sent to Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs)
- Access Authorization form for 35th Ave Superfund Site
- How does Air Permitting work in Jefferson County?
- The Jefferson County Department of Health is responsible for air permitting in the Birmingham (Jefferson County), AL area. EPA Region 4 oversees the permitting of large stationary air emission sources, but does not issue air permits in Jefferson County, AL. Information about air permits can be found on Jefferson County's website. Exit
Ways to Protect Your Health - By keeping dirt from getting into your house and into your body
Simple Steps to Follow - To lower the amount of lead that gets into your body from soil, follow these simple steps
Stay Healthy During Pregnancy - Follow these easy steps to lower lead exposure, and protect your unborn baby
What You Can Do
- Attend public meetings
- Monthly meetings will be scheduled with Neighborhood Associations and Community Action Panels (CAP).
- Stay informed on facilities in your area
- The MyEnvironment search application is designed to provide immediate access to a cross-section of environmental information based on the user's location. Use the link in the Environmental Mapping Tool box below to find site reports, compliance reports, inspection information, etc. on facilities in the area surrounding 35th Avenue in North Birmingham. You can also use the tool to find demographic information based on the 2010 census.