Discharger Name: City of Mesa Water Resources Department
Discharger Address: 640 N. Mesa Drive, P.O. Box 1466 Mail Stop 5010, Mesa, Arizona 85211-1466
Facility Name: City of Mesa Northwest Water Reclamation Plant
Facility Location: 960 North Riverview, Mesa, Arizona 85201, Maricopa County
Facility Rating: Major
This permit was issued on: June 6, 2019
This permit shall become effective on: July 1, 2019
This permit shall expire at midnight on: June 30, 2024
NPDES Permit Fact Sheet: City of Mesa Northwest Water Reclamation Plant (PDF)(16 pp, 409 K,
June 2019)
EPA Fact Sheet for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. AZ0024627 for the City of Mesa Northwest Water Reclamation Plant.
NPDES Permit: City of Mesa Utilities Department, City of Mesa Northwest Water Reclamation Plant, NPDES Permit No. AZ0024627 (PDF)(16 pp, 1 MB,
June 6, 2019)
Authorization to Discharge Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. AZ0024627 for City of Mesa Northwest Water Reclamation Plant.