Discharger Name: Nacogdoches Oil and Gas Inc.
Discharger Address: P.O. Box 632418, Nacogdoches, Texas, 75963
Facility Name: English Lease Boundary Butte
Facility Location Address: 7.6 miles northwest of Red Mesa, Arizona, Boundary Butte, San Juan County, Utah
Facility Rating: Minor
This permit was issued on: March 31, 2017
This permit shall become effective on: April 1, 2017
This permit shall expire at midnight on: March 31, 2022
NPDES Permit No. NN0020133: English Lease Boundary Butte (PDF)(28 pp, 891 K,
Authorization to Discharge Under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. NN0020133 for Nacogdoches Oil and Gas, Inc. English Lease Boundary Butte.
NPDES Permit Fact Sheet: English Lease Boundary Butte (PDF)(13 pp, 123 K,
EPA Fact Sheet for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. NN0020133 for Nacogdoches Oil and Gas, Inc. English Lease Boundary Butte.