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New Hampshire Final Individual NPDES Permits

To view attachments common to many permits use the "EPA NPDES Permit Forms & Attachments for New England".

DWTP = Drinking Water Treatment Plant
POTW = Publicly Owned Treatment Works
SSWWD = Subsurface Wastewater Disposal
SWWDS = Surface Wastewater Disposal System
WPCA(D/F/P) = Water Pollution Control Authority (Division/Facility/Plant)
WTF(P) = Water Treatment Facility (Plant)
WWTF(P) = Wastewater Treatment Facility (Plant)

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New Hampshire Final Individual Permits

City / Town (Receiving Water)

Applicant / Facility Name

Permit Number

Date of Issuance
City / Town (Receiving Water)Applicant / Facility NamePermit NumberDate of Issuance
Hampton (Unnamed Tributary of Tide Mill Creek, Hampton River Watershed)Leavitt E. Magrath Wastewater Treatment Plant (PDF) (232 pp, 2.9 MB)NH010062512/17/2020
New Durham (Merrymeeting River (Hydrologic Basin Code 01070002))Powder Mill State Fish Hatchery (PDF) (297 pp, 4.8 MB)NH000071010/13/2020
Lancaster (Connecticut River (Hydrologic Basin Code: 01080101), Long Island Sound Watershed/Class B)Lancaster Wastewater Treatment Facility (PDF) (155 pp, 3.3 MB)NH010014510/01/2020
Charlestown (Connecticut River (Hydrologic Basin Code: 010801060703-5)/Class B Warm Water Fishery)Charlestown Wastewater Treatment Plant (PDF) (151 pp, 2.5 MB)NH010076509/30/2020
Milford (Souhegan River (Hydrologic Basin Code: 01070002))Milford Wastewater Treatment Plant, co-permittee Town of Wilton (PDF) (197 pp, 5.3 MB)NH010047108/31/2020
Penacook (Merrimack River (Hydrologic Basin Code: 01070002))Penacook Wastewater Treatment Facility (PDF) (177 pp, 2.3 MB)NH010033108/31/2020
Littleton (Ammonoosuc River (Assessment Unit ID: NHRIV801030403-16), Connecticut River Watershed/Class B)Littleton Wastewater Treatment Plant (PDF) (146 pp, 3.3 MB)NH010015308/28/2020
Newport (Connecticut River Watershed (USGS Code: 01080104), Sugar River (NHRIV801060405-29)/Class B)Newport Wastewater Treatment Facility (PDF) (181 pp, 2.8 MB)NH010020006/04/2020
Portsmouth (Piscataqua River (USGS Hydrologic Basin Code 01060003))Schiller Station [Minor Modification Letter] (PDF) (4 pp, 201 K)
Administrative Record
Bridgewater (Pemigewasset River, Pemigewasset Watershed)Bridgewater Power Company (PDF) (155 pp, 3.7 MB)NH002202111/01/2019
Showing 1 to 10 of 137 entries

Other Final Permit Lists for New England

NH Final Individual Permits JSON