Transfer of permitting authority to Idaho. As of July 1, 2019, EPA has transferred authority to administer and enforce this permit to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. For more information, visit Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) Program.Exit
Below are EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) final permit and supporting documents for Bennett Lumber Products in Princeton, Idaho.
- Permit number: ID0020532
- Effective date: January 1, 2007
- Permit expires: December 31, 2011 (administratively continued)
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NPDES Permit, Bennett Lumber Products, Idaho, #ID0020532 (PDF)(27 pp, 173 K,
October 2006)
Final permit.
NPDES Permit Fact Sheet, Bennett Lumber Products, Idaho, #ID0020532 (PDF)(31 pp, 351 K,
August 2006)
Technical basis for NPDES permit.
Response to Comments, NPDES Permit for Bennett Lumber Products, Idaho, #ID0020532 (PDF)(2 pp, 17 K,
October 2006)
EPA's responses to public comments on the August 2006 draft permit.